View Full Version : Humble Bundle Arma

01-17-2014, 11:47 AM
Pretty decent humble bundle, I don't have any of the Arma games, so this was a great pickup for me.

Tier 2: BTA
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission
ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead
ARMA II: DayZ Mod ( It's free though, but you need Operation Arrowhead to play it )

Tier 1: $1.00
Arma II
Take On Helicopters Take On Helicopters
UFO: Afterlight UFO: Afterlight
Alpha Prime Alpha Prime
ARMA: Gold Edition ARMA: Gold Edition
ARMA Tactics ARMA Tactics

01-17-2014, 12:10 PM
Tempting, I wonder what happens to DayZ now that there is the standalone.

01-17-2014, 12:16 PM
Tempting, I wonder what happens to DayZ now that there is the standalone.

It gets played by the people who can't afford the standalone

01-17-2014, 12:39 PM
Tempting, I wonder what happens to DayZ now that there is the standalone.

Well right now the stand alone is still in beta, so if you're interested in the stand alone, this would be good to play until its full release.

01-17-2014, 01:31 PM
Pretty good point. I suspect I'll end up passing on it though. Between league of legends, Neverwinter Online and the stack of older games my girlfriend and I are playing through I'd probably get it and only play it a little.

01-17-2014, 01:46 PM
Well right now the stand alone is still in beta, so if you're interested in the stand alone, this would be good to play until its full release.

Sorry to sound like an a**-hat but the Standalone is in Early Access Alpha, so it hasn't reached the beta phase yet ;)

I picked up Arma II and Operation Arrowhead with the DayZ mod already while it was on sale during the Steam Holiday sale, though haven't really got round to playing it..

01-22-2014, 11:44 AM
Arma 3 is awesome it is THE game to get.