View Full Version : HD Collections

03-03-2014, 09:08 PM
So, what does everybody think of all of these HD collections that we have now? I'm personally a fan of them. I love being able to play PS2 classics with PS3 presentation. The Metal Gear Solid games are practically meant for HD. The trophies are nice too. The only problem is I don't know whether to get the PS2 or PS3 version of a lot of the games, since it's almost a different experience playing in HD.

Anyways, like I said, what do you guys think of these? Do you own any?

I have
God of War collection (GoW 1/2)
Ico/Shadow of the Colossus
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (MGS 2/3/PW)

Some other ones I plan on getting, such as Zone of the Enders

03-03-2014, 11:17 PM
I'm more than happy. It introduces the game to new fans, and gives you a reason to replay them!

I've only got Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, and Halo Anniversary for HD remakes however. I'd like to get the MGS collection as I never had playstation growing up so no chance to play them.

03-04-2014, 12:41 AM
I'm more than happy. It introduces the game to new fans, and gives you a reason to replay them!

I've only got Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, and Halo Anniversary for HD remakes however. I'd like to get the MGS collection as I never had playstation growing up so no chance to play them.

I forgot about the Halo and Fable ones. Isn't Halo an actual remake though, and not just an HD transfer?

Also, try to play Metal Gear Solid 1 before playing the HD collection. If you can, play the series in the order that the games came out.

03-04-2014, 09:25 AM
I forgot about the Halo and Fable ones. Isn't Halo an actual remake though, and not just an HD transfer?

Also, try to play Metal Gear Solid 1 before playing the HD collection. If you can, play the series in the order that the games came out.

Oh crap I forgot about Fable. Now another to add!

I think Halo was re-made, but they kept everything the exact same. The only reason they remade it is so you can swap between the new graphics and the original Xbox 1 graphics when you push the "back" button.

I think I actually have MGS1 kicking around somewhere. I'll make sure to play it before I pick up the HD collection, thanks for the heads up!