View Full Version : Eps' giant rant about how much he hates the internet and its effect on intelligence

04-10-2014, 12:08 AM
Okay, so I spend a lot of time online, due to a lack of anything else to do...so i'll browse around youtube and facebook...and then leave comments. I know what you're thinking, I've already made a big mistake, but bear with me. I'll say something along the lines of "If you listen to Blind Guardian's early stuff, you can tell they were influenced by Helloween." Now, for those who aren't familiar with those two bands, they're both extremely popular and influential power metal bands...Helloween is arguably the most influential, and virtually every power metal band to come out since has taken something from Helloween. Now, if you listen to the later Blind Guardian stuff, it's pretty unique...like if Queen decided to play metal. However, their first two albums are extremely similar to Helloween. With me so far? Well some idiots on youtube decided to call me retarded, stupid, and about 10 other names for saying that Blind Guardian was influenced by Helloween. It's like...did these people either A. never listen to the first two Blind Guardian albums? B. not read my post? or C. Both? If you're going to call me an idiot that knows nothing about power metal and doesn't have metal in my heart (their words, not mine) then you should probably actually look into what I'm saying, because it's clear that THEY have no idea what they're talking about, yet they go around spouting their opinions.

Wait, opinions? On the internet? Funny, right? People seem to act as if everything on the internet is FACT unless there is a giant flashing neon sign that says "GUYS KEEP IN MIND THIS IS MY OPINION." Duh, it's your opinion. So when I go on a youtube video and say that I don't like something, I get bombarded with "go away" and "nobody asked for your opinion" or my favorite "the band doesn't care that you don't like their song." I really, really, hope that the band does, in fact, NOT care about my opinion. If a band went on youtube and saw my post saying that I didn't like their song, and they quit making music because of it, then that's really pathetic. Yet all these people whine and cry about the fact that I watched a music video and then said I didn't enjoy it, as if i'm completely destroying everything that's good in their life and taking a dump on their bed. Negative opinions exist, and people are equally allowed to express both positive AND negative ones. So, among all of the "nobody cares if you don't like the song" comments, I say something along the lines of "I just posted my opinion, you don't need to cry about it," and get attacked even further. Apparently, i'm stalking the person who told me to go away, because I "know" that they're crying. Wtf?? "I never said you weren't allowed to like the song, and you're allowed to express your opinion, but for some reason i'm not allowed to express mine." I realize that these are all probably kids that are a lot younger than me, but still. This is only scratching the surface of the level of stupidity I see on youtube and facebook. I'm not going to get into it.

Another thing i've noticed is that people get mad when I correct their spelling or grammar, but the way I see it is...if you're in college, and you can't spell words like minute or course correctly, you need to be corrected. Sorry, my rant isn't as long here.

Okay....i'm done. I just needed to go on a tirade, and I think my Facebook friends are sick of hearing about how dumb the people who frequent Youtube are.

04-10-2014, 12:10 AM
The best part is....I made a typo in the topic title. Cool. Time to go cry under a rock lol.

04-10-2014, 07:06 AM
Youtube comments are about as troll as they get, I sometimes go on youtube when I'm bored and troll in the comments. It's pretty entertaining, I sometimes feel that 90% of comments on youtube are trolls.

04-10-2014, 09:27 AM
Ugh, I hear you. I use Reddit all the time, and I used to comment here and there occasionally.... yea, I don't do that anymore. You can't say anything on the internet without everyone that doesn't hold the same opinion as you ripping you a new arsehole or trying to convince you why *their*OPINION is right and yours is wrong. It’s extremely frustrating. Honestly, minus this little forum and the other that I’m active in, I don’t even try to interact/converse with people online anymore. I just end up getting pissed off. I feel like Facebook is worse than YouTube or anything else though. You can’t even scroll past the first page of your news feed without seeing 4 or 5 of those moronic posts: “If I get 1 million likes my wife will let me name my kid Bunghole” “Did you know that this ingredient found in your French fries is the same ingredient found in the gas they used on the Jews in the Holocaust?!” “Why should I have to press 1 for English? THIS IS MURICA!”. I just can’t handle it.

Another thing i've noticed is that people get mad when I correct their spelling or grammar, but the way I see it is...if you're in college, and you can't spell words like minute or course correctly, you need to be corrected.

I actually appreciate it when people correct me on my grammar when I use it incorrectly. It prevents me from looking like a moron in the future, especially in professional situations. That being said, there are grammar nazi's that are just pretentious douches trying to make others feel like idiots because it makes them happen. I do not appreciate it when they correct me :P

04-10-2014, 02:46 PM
It's just so ridiculously annoying, people can't handle criticism....

Also, on the subject of trolling...people troll like crazy, and others are stupid enough to actually fall for it. I guess this goes back to people being unable to handle criticism

I actually appreciate it when people correct me on my grammar when I use it incorrectly. It prevents me from looking like a moron in the future, especially in professional situations. That being said, there are grammar nazi's that are just pretentious douches trying to make others feel like idiots because it makes them happen. I do not appreciate it when they correct me :P

It seems like most people would rather look like an idiot all of the time and have nobody point it out than have somebody point out that they're an idiot once and fix the thing that makes them an idiot.

04-10-2014, 05:19 PM
Ugh, I hear you. I use Reddit all the time, and I used to comment here and there occasionally.... yea, I don't do that anymore. You can't say anything on the internet without everyone that doesn't hold the same opinion as you ripping you a new arsehole or trying to convince you why *their*OPINION is right and yours is wrong. It’s extremely frustrating. Honestly, minus this little forum and the other that I’m active in, I don’t even try to interact/converse with people online anymore. I just end up getting pissed off. I feel like Facebook is worse than YouTube or anything else though. You can’t even scroll past the first page of your news feed without seeing 4 or 5 of those moronic posts: “If I get 1 million likes my wife will let me name my kid Bunghole” “Did you know that this ingredient found in your French fries is the same ingredient found in the gas they used on the Jews in the Holocaust?!” “Why should I have to press 1 for English? THIS IS MURICA!”. I just can’t handle it.

I actually appreciate it when people correct me on my grammar when I use it incorrectly. It prevents me from looking like a moron in the future, especially in professional situations. That being said, there are grammar nazi's that are just pretentious douches trying to make others feel like idiots because it makes them happen. I do not appreciate it when they correct me :P

The only place I post on Reddit is /r/astrophotography with all my star stuff, the people on there are actually pretty nice. I've tried other subreddits, the people there are terrible lol.

I also appreciate when people correct me. I correct people all the time and technical writing is part of my job description so if I make a mistake, I need someone to tell me so I can fix it before more people notice it.

@Eps, I fixed the subject (I think I got the typo) earlier, but forgot to submit my reply and left the thread lol.

04-10-2014, 05:55 PM
Haha yeah, I noticed you fixed it. Thanks.

04-10-2014, 06:34 PM
Okay, so all those people telling me to "go away" and "shut up" started calling me dicks because I said they can't handle criticism. Wow. I just was like "i don't get all pissed when people don't like the same things as me, I just understand that people like different things" and disabled replies. If that doesn't get them to stop, then I guess it's time to go Jay and Silent Bob on them.

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - Kick Some Ass - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsXKAtpLm4I) (warning, explicit)

04-11-2014, 03:54 PM
The only place I post on Reddit is /r/astrophotography with all my star stuff, the people on there are actually pretty nice. I've tried other subreddits, the people there are terrible lol.

I also appreciate when people correct me. I correct people all the time and technical writing is part of my job description so if I make a mistake, I need someone to tell me so I can fix it before more people notice it.

@Eps, I fixed the subject (I think I got the typo) earlier, but forgot to submit my reply and left the thread lol.

Haha Yea, the smaller subReddits like that are great! But when you venture into all of the default ones is normally when the douches start to appear in hoards. Oh well. I just look at funny pictures and don't talk to anyone :P

04-11-2014, 09:27 PM
Haha Yea, the smaller subReddits like that are great! But when you venture into all of the default ones is normally when the douches start to appear in hoards. Oh well. I just look at funny pictures and don't talk to anyone :P

Same here. Although I don't go on there as much as I used to.