View Full Version : Braum * skins

04-25-2014, 08:53 AM
Last night I was finally able to get on PBE after and give this guy a try. He is surprisingly fun to play. He is inherently tanky and just gains more power the tankier he gets. Throw a little AD on this guy and I bet we'll see some people take him top lane for fun in the way people take Taric top lane. Ideal no, fun and semi-viable, yes.

A bit about his abilities.

Passive: auto attacks and Q both apply a stack of his passive. You can easily get two stacks on an enemy instantly. At 4 stacks they are stunned. After delivering the first stack, any auto attack from any ally of yours also applies a stack to the target. Excellent for teams who communicate and focus well.

Q Winter's Bite: Average ranged skillshot with a really powerful slow. Does magic damage and scales off of your HP. Think volibear bite only make it a ranged skillshot that you can do ever 4ish seconds and leads to a stun. If you can get close and auto attack at the same time you do this you alone will easily get to 4 stacks of your passive without help from your team.

W Stand Behind Me: Strictly defense move that is great for both mobility and protecting an ally. You do not get the defense buff from this move, only the person you jump too. It works a lot like Lee Sin's W both in range and in movement but rather than shielding them with HP you give them a large portion of your armor and mr for a brief period. Very powerful mobility jump that pairs very well with both engaging and disengaging. Almost allows your ADC to lead in the engage and be completely safe as you follow in, buff them and throw up your E.

E Unbreakable: Works a lot like Yasuo's windwall except rather than negating all projectiles you basically become a walking meet shield. It negates the first hit but then the rest will hit you at greatly reduced damage protecting your ally behind you. When cast, it stays in the direction you cast it and moves with you much like Lucian ult.

R Glacial Fissure: Think Sona ult only longer range, slightly narrower and much cooler animation. Now add an AOE slow that remains briefly after this ends. Also, rather than a stun it is a knockup and deals a surprising amount of damage. Scales off AP and does magic damage.

One thing I should add, although he seems like he has a superior way to pretty much block everything, his E only blocks ranged stuff and does not stop on hit effects from applying to him so for example you have Unbreakable up and Vayne condemns you. You're still getting knocked back and stunned if you hit a wall. He is very fun to play and I think a very well done rather commical champ.

On a sidenote, there are 3 new skins coming. I attached a screenshot showing them in the skins menu. Unfortunately, Lissandra does not have a splashart yet but if you check youtube there is footage of the new skin in play.