View Full Version : How're you guys spending the summer?

06-19-2014, 12:29 PM
Been talking with friends lately and listening to all their plans and thought it'd be fun to ask!

I'll be moving to the biggest city in a 1000km radius so I'm gonna be spending my summer exploring and enjoying the city life! (2000 pop. town at the moment lol.)

Any cross country ventures? Big vacations? Catching up on Netflix while college is out?

06-21-2014, 06:03 AM
Not going to do much, pretty much only work.

However I am going to Berlin one weekend, some beer festival.

06-21-2014, 10:47 AM
Work work work.

Also have a few projects that I'm working on, and I haven't been stargazing lately, I want to go out at least 3-4 times this summer.

06-21-2014, 02:51 PM
Not going to do much, pretty much only work.

However I am going to Berlin one weekend, some beer festival.

Ahhh that sounds like a ton of fun! I've always wanted to visit Germany, maybe one day!

Work work work.

Also have a few projects that I'm working on, and I haven't been stargazing lately, I want to go out at least 3-4 times this summer.
That'd be awesome. I like the pics you post on here, noticed there haven't been any for a long time!

I'm goin to my girlfriend's sisters grad today. So tonight will be like alcohol fest 2014 with her massive family there. Should be a good time

06-24-2014, 03:17 PM
This is the first summer I'm not going on vacation.... it's depressing :( Spending our summer and vacation money on the new house instead. We're in the process of painting everything. It needed it sooooooo badly. The walls were painted tan, the ceiling painted tan, the curtains were tan... and the carpet is tan -__- We desperately needed color lol So we got some dark, yet bright purple- this gorgeous turquoise blue and this pale lime green and have been spending much of our free time painting away :)

We also got stuff to start remodeling inside (new towel racks/vanity for our bathrooms, new hardware for the kitchen cabinets, etc) and outside (hedge/tree trimmers, a pump for our ponds so we can clean them out, new flowers, etc). And since we'll be home and outside a good bit, we also had to buy ourselves a grill! No vacation.... but on the plus side we'll be keeping busy and eating good food ^_^

06-25-2014, 12:21 AM
That's exciting! Housework like that is always fun to me, but bites no vacation this year!

06-25-2014, 02:04 PM
I'm probably gonna just spend it working and playing some music. I'm not going back to college just yet, so i'll probably spend that time doing the same.

At some point, i'm gonna finally convince myself to get back to learning other languages, but who knows when i'll get the motivation

07-01-2014, 11:17 AM
was someplace for work the past 2 weeks, and then this month I'm going to be someplace again... in the next 2 weeks. damn. work is taking over my life yo

08-07-2015, 02:57 AM
I know this is an old thread but lets bring it back to life. So far my summer hasconsisted of nothing but bbq's, gaming and drinking mostly. With a weekend in Paris.