View Full Version : Come Dance With Me

10-18-2014, 05:34 PM
So I'm in my kitchen dancing around in my kitchen looking foor food when I recall this moment of me telling a buddy a story about my very religous mom and myself in wlamart around Christmas one year, and how when in the middle of a holiday-crowded Midwestern Walmart upon the store radio played that fateful song, Jesus Take The Wheel. My mother began singing and speaking in tongues, and not quietly, and when I nudged her a bit to ask her to stop she broke out in full-on-airplane-back-and-forth-wobble-penguin-for-Jesus which ironically looked more like a possesion by the devil.

Anyway because I was recalling the dance from the lighthearted story telling with my friend, and not from the traumatic childhood experience, I began laughing hysterically at the memory of my friend and I letting go of the bad memories and just dancing the Airplane-Penguin-for-Jesus.

So there I am, laughing and dancing this dance when I realize another friend in the present time is sitting right in my living room, on the sofa, in plain view of the kitchen. Laughing his ass off.

Then I had to tell him the story.

And together we danced.

Guys, join me in this dance.

10-19-2014, 11:24 PM
-wobbles around- DO THE PENGUIN

10-20-2014, 10:37 AM
-wobbles around- DO THE PENGUIN

That's actually crazy and hilarious. Weeble wobbling around doin the penguin dance fo' Jesus.

10-20-2014, 04:02 PM
-wobbles around- DO THE PENGUIN

Yay! The first internet friend to join me. I've now dedicated a special place in my heart just to you, right behind Whatchamacallit candy bars, and I ****ing love those things so you're holding a pretty high rank right now.

I posted this to r/trees first but it got buried and no one joined me :[

*wobbling continues*

10-20-2014, 09:16 PM
-puts Vaseline on stomach-
-slides around kitchen-
I am on some next level stuff.

10-10-2015, 10:42 AM
come on )
dance with me