View Full Version : Let's try another: Do you think that severe obesity in children should be punishable?

10-28-2007, 10:38 PM
I'm curious to see what the general consensus is here, and I don't have a strong opinion either way, so any flaming is useless.

Basically, in this era of condemnation and penalization of self destructive behaviors (motorcycle helmets, seat belts, cig smoking) should the provision of fatty foods to children to the extent in which they damage their health at a very young age be an offense that could be punishable by law? Parenting is one of the most important jobs a person can have, and it seems that most parents couldn't give a damn less as to how their children turn out. Horror stories of 300 pound school-agers are rampant these days. I've seen young adults that weigh from 700-1100 lbs, a result that has to be a product of poor eating habits from birth. Obesity and an overweight state, the result of poor dieting as well as fitness, kills more people than any single other identifiable cause of mortality, and yet cigarette smoking has been the culprit for years in terms of preventable deaths.

On the other hand, freedom is considered the hallmark of our nation, and any sort of litigation or penalization of any action against one's self, and one's family is a stripping away of that freedom. We've begun a slippery slope in which all detrimental behaviors could ultimately be banned and penalized, leading to the sort of state that Orwell and others envisioned many years ago.

So how do you feel about this issue?

Mr Cool
10-29-2007, 02:34 AM
Children do not get that way themselves. Parents should not funnel McDonald's down their children's throats and put them on a path of self destruction.

10-29-2007, 06:31 PM
Children do not get that way themselves. Parents should not funnel McDonald's down their children's throats and put them on a path of self destruction.

I agree completely. But how do we punish or attempt to alter these sorts of behaviors? As long as these corporations continue to profit off of providing trash to consumers, the cycle will continue. Should we penalize the corporations, and give incentives to those that provide an all healthy sort of menu? Do we force parents to make their children more active, or do we allow laziness to be up to the parent to decide?

This is a tricky issue, but I think it's really one of the more important issues we face today, and infinitely more so than cigarette smoking.

10-29-2007, 06:33 PM
I'll agree that feeding a child the wrong kind of food has the same effect in practical terms as giving a child cigarettes and whiskey for dinner every day - they're both going to give the kid health problems... but in terms of food, where do you draw the line? At what point exactly is a child's eating legally objectionable?

What about other forms of parenting that 'hurt' their children, in direct or indirect ways? Like, if a family makes a kid do so many chores he can't ever complete his homework, or if a family tells their kids that homework isn't important and they never get past fourth grade? Or if some family raises their kids to believe STDs aren't real, and their kids get STDs as a result?

10-29-2007, 06:34 PM
No. Any Kind of punishment to the child is unreasonable. Punishment to the parents should be a diet training course. (to teach them to balance meals)

10-29-2007, 06:37 PM
The only punishment should be public scorn. We're too afraid to "judge" people when they do wrong in fear of being labeled as judgmental. Sometimes I think it's okay to be judgmental. It's okay to look down on bad behavior.

However, we shouldn't be governing it.

10-29-2007, 06:37 PM
Yea, I a agree that punishment to be directed towards the parents. Weather it be making the parents become more controlling over their children via training courses or teaching them how to cook healthy foods and making them learn what to and what not to buy.

10-29-2007, 06:39 PM
No. Any Kind of punishment to the child is unreasonable. Punishment to the parents should be a diet training course. (to teach them to balance meals)

Read the thread, dude. This is about the parents.

10-29-2007, 06:42 PM
Read the thread, dude. This is about the parents.
Read all of my Post Douche.

10-29-2007, 06:42 PM
so any flaming is useless.

rofl - thats true 90% of the time lol, cuz some people TRY to lose weight after they are made fun of or flamed lol

u should also know that sometimes obesity isn't an eating problem, it could be the hormones, metabolism issues as well - and thats something no one can control, not even parents

I used to this know this fat girl in elementary school and it wasn't her fault, of course like all kids, she was made fun of, but she had a very slow metabolism and some other disorder, dont know what, my mother told me after speaking to her mother

10-29-2007, 06:45 PM
I'll agree that feeding a child the wrong kind of food has the same effect in practical terms as giving a child cigarettes and whiskey for dinner every day - they're both going to give the kid health problems... but in terms of food, where do you draw the line? At what point exactly is a child's eating legally objectionable?

What about other forms of parenting that 'hurt' their children, in direct or indirect ways? Like, if a family makes a kid do so many chores he can't ever complete his homework, or if a family tells their kids that homework isn't important and they never get past fourth grade? Or if some family raises their kids to believe STDs aren't real, and their kids get STDs as a result?

It's a difficult, difficult question, and I agree with all of the above. The fact remains that we do have an explosion in health problems which will lead to unknowable consequences within our health care system, which will already be strained to the breaking point with the retiring baby boomer generation, many of which are caused by obesity which often stems from poor parenting skills. Where is one law appropriate when another is not? When the variables are clearly delineated, such as with cigarette smoking, as seems to be the case?

Read all of my Post Douche.
Now that was uncalled for. Toxic didn't insult you.

10-29-2007, 06:48 PM
Read all of my Post Douche.

heh..i missed that response cuz it was probably made just a few seconds before mine

that is uncalled for - respect other members and they will return the favor - be nice to all the members and the staff, you will get more respect than you'll know what to do with it

your comment right there put you low!

10-29-2007, 06:50 PM
Its hard to say. Different people have different metabolisms. How about the kids who eat junk but dont really get that fat? However down the road their lack of nutrition will have consequences? They think theyre fine because theyre thin but their diet of junk food will still harm them in the long run.

10-29-2007, 06:54 PM
Its hard to say. Different people have different metabolisms. How about the kids who eat junk but dont really get that fat? However down the road their lack of nutrition will have consequences? They think theyre fine because theyre thin but their diet of junk food will still harm them in the long run.
It's a tougher issue than we've thought so far. Exercise and diet infomercials are everywhere; lack of knowledge doesn't fly in this day and age.

10-29-2007, 06:57 PM
Read all of my Post Douche.

Let's leave petty insults aside. Either make your point without them or don't bother making your point here at all. Maybe your parents, girlfriend, whatever have to put up with your childish daily BS, but I sure don't.

10-29-2007, 06:58 PM
The only punishment should be public scorn. We're too afraid to "judge" people when they do wrong in fear of being labeled as judgmental. Sometimes I think it's okay to be judgmental. It's okay to look down on bad behavior.

However, we shouldn't be governing it.
"Hey, kids look at that freaking fatass!" *scoffs and points finger*

That kind of public scorn?

10-29-2007, 07:00 PM
"Hey, kids look at that freaking fatass!" *scoffs and points finger*

That kind of public scorn?

Sure. Why not?

Okay... maybe not quite that mean, but I think peer pressure can work wonders.

Also, society needs to be a little less touchy feely in fear of upsetting their children. Stop trying to be cool and your kid's friend. You are their parents, not their friend.

10-30-2007, 08:31 AM
parents should not be punishable for obese children. I am fat, I admit it, but it's not because of my parents, my parents always make healthy food (i have burgers and stuff like that maybe once a month?) I'm fed a lot of good food, such as various meats and poultry, vegetables and fish. A parent can only go so far to keep their kids healthy, parents can't force their children outside doing sports (as some really aren't interested in that sort of thing, like me) I'm fat, but the only time I eat candy or snacks is when i go to the park and have the spare cash to use on that sort of thing. parents shouldn't be punished. I received a lot of peer pressure, from being fat, from dressing different, and my hairstyle (i had long hair) and it has made me think of putting some effort into it, but tons of peer pressure isn't good, aswell as peer pressure you need other people to encourage you to be more active, alot of overweight kids will just stay inside even if they have loads of friends and they need their friends to call them to come out etc. I know I did, but now i'm going out more often, walking around, running, playing rugby, football etc. it's a lot better than being stuck indoors on my PC all day.

10-30-2007, 09:29 AM
I agree parents are to blame for having their children becoming obese, not the media. Children pick up on things from there parents, and even their eating habits. If a parent is complaining about how obese their child is don't blame the media, blame themselves for buying their children tons of junk food.

Common sense to them if their children is packing on the pounds don't go buying the big macs up at McDonalds hand them a carrot and say deal.

10-30-2007, 09:50 AM
I agree parents are to blame for having their children becoming obese, not the media. Children pick up on things from there parents, and even their eating habits. If a parent is complaining about how obese their child is don't blame the media, blame themselves for buying their children tons of junk food.

Common sense to them if their children is packing on the pounds don't go buying the big macs up at McDonalds hand them a carrot and say deal.

i never notice people blaming the parents for the good things lol, like, i get good grades in school, i dont see people blaming my parents, they just think im smart lol

as lonewolf said - parents cant controle every aspect of their children's lives. you cant blame people for being fat for having slow metabolism or any other condition that prevents them from losing weight.

the only people you should blame is those couch potatoes that sit on the couch all day watching tv and making people do stuff for them - the LAZY ones - that was almost me when i was younger lol, i used to watch tv a lot and eat chips

10-30-2007, 11:31 AM
i never notice people blaming the parents for the good things lol, like, i get good grades in school, i dont see people blaming my parents, they just think im smart lol

as lonewolf said - parents cant controle every aspect of their children's lives. you cant blame people for being fat for having slow metabolism or any other condition that prevents them from losing weight.

the only people you should blame is those couch potatoes that sit on the couch all day watching tv and making people do stuff for them - the LAZY ones - that was almost me when i was younger lol, i used to watch tv a lot and eat chips

Well, yeah I guess I can see that lol...

I'm just saying the way their parents raise them and teach them to eat could be some partial reason for their poor eating habits.

For younger childen especially who don't know any better, and rely on their parents to provide food for them. They aren't really that capable of understanding what is and is not healthy until they are alittle bit older..

10-30-2007, 11:36 AM
well you can be fat when ur younger lol, and you get older and your height eats the weight :D

there are some parents that feed their children fatty food 5 times a day and they don't really care, go and blame them if you want lol, but blame only those people and not all parents

we should not discriminate people based on gender, religion, race, sexual orientation, height, weight, or pant size :-P cuz you don't see one lion making fun of another cuz the second lion eats 3 zebras a day lol

10-30-2007, 12:07 PM
hey look, you don't seem to be reading everything, like i said, i'm fat, but my dad has only ever encouraged good eating habits, i sit at my dinner table atleast 6 evenings a week, probably about 5 lunches there and 3 breakfasts but i generally have toast or cereal as i check my email and go on msn in the morning. my dad weighs alot less than 160lbs (10stone) and my standard week of eating is generally roast dinners, chicken curry with rice or lasagne or spaghetti bolognese or a salad type meal etc. I eat all sorts of meats and vegetables, i'm still fat, none of it is because of my dad it's because of my neglect of this thing called EXERCISE, my dad can't force me out of the house and say "go run around the block 10 times" or "go play basketball/football/baseball/rugby/soccer with your friends" it's my choice if i decide to or not. In America - and i know this is completely stereotypical, racist and prejudicial - but we all think you only eat fast foods and drive your cars everywhere, particularly one my friend knows who asked if he wanted a coffee so he got in his big gas guzzling SUV and drove it around the corner to starbucks (liturally around the corner) to buy a $3 cup of coffee probably using $1 of gas for something he could of used his own perfectly working coffee machine to make. American kids are fat because of their parents, but most of the kids i know here, aren't fat because of their parents, but fat because of themselves.

10-30-2007, 03:24 PM
whoever says no to this is an idiot.

Allowing your kid to grow obese because of what you do/neglect to do is child abuse, plain and simple
THEIR health is getting worse because you arent feeding them poorly, or neglecting to feed them properly.

It is the same issue as if a parent saw their kid smoking and didnt care..I hate that ****..

Allowing your child to grow unhealthy at a constant rate until they are at a point of obesity should be a crime. Sure..be whatever you want man, be a fat-ass parent...but dont submit your kids to the same kind of strain and unhealthy lifestyle because you think that is your choice. It isnt...You are supposed to take care of your kid, and that means having them as healthy as possible..

Any parent who allows this is lazy, an idiot, or selfish and should be stripped of their kid.

10-31-2007, 09:14 AM
whoever says no to this is an idiot.

Allowing your kid to grow obese because of what you do/neglect to do is child abuse, plain and simple
THEIR health is getting worse because you arent feeding them poorly, or neglecting to feed them properly.

It is the same issue as if a parent saw their kid smoking and didnt care..I hate that ****..

Allowing your child to grow unhealthy at a constant rate until they are at a point of obesity should be a crime. Sure..be whatever you want man, be a fat-ass parent...but dont submit your kids to the same kind of strain and unhealthy lifestyle because you think that is your choice. It isnt...You are supposed to take care of your kid, and that means having them as healthy as possible..

Any parent who allows this is lazy, an idiot, or selfish and should be stripped of their kid.

Exactly, that's what I have been trying to say!

So, yeah it may be the kids own fault for being lazy and doing nothing but get fat. But, parents are the partial blame for their childrens obesity.

Maybe, all that encouragement to go out and do something was your parents way of trying to help you. Don't complain about being fat when it can be prevented by simply making an effort to go and "do" something..

10-31-2007, 09:43 AM
You guys, learn to read, my dad didn't let me get fat, but he couldn't exactly make me go out and also, read your own stuff
THEIR health is getting worse because you arent feeding them poorly i think you'll find that means they're eating properly yet are still getting worse as a result of eating properly.

and like i said, in britain, all the people i know, it's not their parents fault that the kid is obese, it's the kid's fault because they refuse to do gym or refuse to go out often or snack too much, My mom was like 7st (that's 84lbs)[until she lost her life] and my dad is 9stone (that's 98lbs) which neither of those are heavy, they weren't fat as they worked hard on motorbikes and walking to the store and back with groceries etc. and set a good example, your parents maybe totally and utterly ***** at keeping you fit, but mine were good except i ignored it until it was too late. What is more of a problem is that people are going into highschool without being able to read and not because of dyslexia but because of their parents not teaching them how to read and that is something that can be avoided if parents spent more time with their children rather than sitting them infront of the tv with a pack of biscuits and a few other types of candy.
The thing is you're all debating this that it's the parents fault, because you're children, wait until you're 30 or 40 with a few kids, see what you do different, you may say you'll get them a bicycle and a football and a basketball net etc. and encourage them to eat salad meals etc. rather than driving them in your big SUV that does 16mpg to the mcdonalds 5minutes walk down the road.

10-31-2007, 10:34 AM
lol don't turn this into a fight guys :-P i dont know if they should be punished because sometimes there are people to blame and other times its the stupid hormones

10-31-2007, 03:20 PM
i said dont know.
but i mean more of. they shouldent be punished they should be like treated.
because most like almost all of severly obeese children are like that for a reason, other then they eat alot.
its usually a mental disorder or emotional disorder or physiacal, something they cant really control with out help, so liek really really fat kids should be taken to a phycatrist to see if its metal or emotional and tests to see if its physical. and if so they should be givin medication to help them control there eating. but if there is no medical reson for their obesity then there parents should just take away the twinky and buy them a dang tredmill or soemthing.
but thats not really a
"punishment" its a solution

11-03-2007, 09:19 AM
Im split on the decision whether they should be punished or not. But the country shouldnt be altered in any way to accomodate these fatties (i.e. bigger seats on airplanes).

11-03-2007, 11:49 PM
Im split on the decision whether they should be punished or not. But the country shouldnt be altered in any way to accomodate these fatties (i.e. bigger seats on airplanes).

That's a decisions individual airlines have to make for themselfs.