View Full Version : GTA4 or Saints Row 2 - Which will you get

11-04-2007, 12:56 AM
Which would you rather have?

11-04-2007, 12:58 AM
Hmmmm this is even more difficult then the "would you rather eat a pile of **** or a steak dinner?" poll.

And also why does Saints Row actually looks worse than Saints Row 1?

11-04-2007, 01:00 AM
Hmmmm this is even more difficult then the "would you rather eat a pile of **** or a steak dinner?" poll.

And also why does Saints Row actually looks worse than Saints Row 1?

ok one, it doesnt, saints row 2 will be great, and two, your obviously comparing SR to modern games, Saints Row is an old game with a great story and many people perferred it over GTA3 mainly due to the modernization of it or some people complained the missions in GTA were too straightfoward, either way, Saints Row sold over a million and was a marvel for its time, as will SR2 be, nevertheless GTA4, just for being an old classic, with most likely surpass it. and i will get both but i guess only time will tell which one is better

11-04-2007, 01:02 AM
I want both...

11-15-2007, 02:04 AM
GTA games are getting old. :(

11-15-2007, 12:54 PM
GTA ftw, nothing touches it awesomeness. There is a growing sector of people saying GTA is old and X title is better(aka Crackdown and Saints Row and #2) but I don't care what they say I've been playing GTA since #2 on the PS1 and I will never not buy GTA, It's just too awesome for me. That being said there's a 90% chance I get both and if they didn't cancel the port to the PS3 of Saints Row I'd buy that just as a gap filler till GTA comes out this spring.