View Full Version : Looking for a Game Copy Software

03-11-2008, 10:30 AM
Hello, dudes. I love to play games and it’s like a passion to me. But recently I have been facing problems in copying games from my friends pc.The problem is that the games I copy in my pc do not play properly, they have some files missing due to which they function improperly. Do you have any ideas regarding this which will help me to play them at ease?

03-11-2008, 11:02 AM
are they directly from a CD or from his computer?

most games need like a .dll file for it to come on but with the information you provided, there is no way of telling what you are doing and what you are trying to copy

and please open threads in the right section next time, this isn't a discussion about strategy games

03-11-2008, 11:44 AM
If you're copying from his computer it may be that he chose not to download some certain files in the game.

I suggest you copy from the CD. If you're copying from the CD it may be that the files are corrupt? Lot's of possiblities.

03-12-2008, 03:03 AM
I found the same post at cdrom-guide, maybe you can look at the suggestion there

Have you tried GameDrive? I think it is the most stable virtual drive I have tried. I have tried the program on several different computers and laptops and it works flawlessly. I got it a few days ago. It was a deal priced at $4, not sure if it's still there (search GameDrive at dealstudio)
Gamers must have! It just works every time breaks game security code and copies to a virtual harddrive.

03-12-2008, 05:29 AM
My dad made a couple PC game copies and I think he used Roxio.
It turned out fine.
I don't know, maybe it was a one time deal :]

03-12-2008, 03:08 PM
Ooh, I see. Use Nero Burning ROM, I heard it was really good. I think it comes with all computers? I don't know, but whenever I copy something, I use it.

03-12-2008, 04:24 PM
Ooh, I see. Use Nero Burning ROM, I heard it was really good. I think it comes with all computers? I don't know, but whenever I copy something, I use it.

i believe sonic record now comes with most computers, not all - nero is one i had to register on my old pc, don't have it on my new pc though but it is a pretty good software