View Full Version : How many pets have you had?

03-15-2008, 09:16 AM
I have had one pet Chelsea the cat. She died in October right before my birthday. -cries-

03-15-2008, 09:18 AM
I've had several pets.

3 frogs.
2 cats.
3 dogs.

Right now I have a cat and a dog.
My dog snowball was put down a couple months ago :[

03-15-2008, 09:29 AM
i had 10 fish then i forgot to feed them :rolleyes1:

03-15-2008, 11:15 AM
2 birds (parakeets)
had a parakeet
and had a 100+ fishes, all died years ago lol - gonna get another aquarium soon for my mom, she likes fish ornaments lol

03-15-2008, 12:11 PM
I've had a black lab, i now have another black lab. I have the longes living newt ever (not sure how old.. at LEAST 2 and a half years old.) Had three other newts before him that only lasted a few days because the batch was sick. And tons of fish. We got ten mickey's and they all had babies, then their babies had babies (incest lol) then THEIR babies had babies and those ones didn't live too long because they were deformed.

but yeah, lots of fish. Now I have a few tetra's at my aunts (we're moving in with them for a few months I think) and an algae eater called Lump. (:

03-15-2008, 02:01 PM
countless dumbers of goldfish, won at carnivals of sorts.

03-15-2008, 03:24 PM
Right now, I have...
-a cocker spaniel named Link
-male cat named Bartholomeu Rastifarian Resputan the 3rd (even though he's the first)
-female cat named Homework
-2 female bunnies named Snowflake and Snowwhite
-male bunny named Snowballs (lol, a little humor there)
-some baby bunnies but they'll be gone soon
-conure named Paco

I've had lot of other pets before that though like
-ton of fish (1 was an alagae eater name Al, he was my fav)
-lots of cats(Snickers, Misty, Fuzzy, Tears, etc.)
-2 other dogs(male-Sam, female-Baby)
-goat named Snowflake
-my brother had bunny named Orea and 3 hamsters when he lived with us

As you can see, I'm a pet person. That's just some of them.

03-15-2008, 03:29 PM
wow kitty thats a whole petting zoo lol :D

lol - my uncle in new jersey has 3 goats, a bunch of exotic pigeons and a few sheep i think - he has a bunch of parakeets though

new jersey and other areas like that are better for raising animals like that than here in NYC lol - don't think it'll look good if i had to take my goat out for a walk

03-15-2008, 03:32 PM

4 dogs
2 birds
about 40 fish