View Full Version : A story that I am making a manga out of...

03-21-2008, 08:09 PM
I'll give you the quick story, and you will tell me if you like it. Then I'll piece this together and make a rough draft of a manga. I'll scan it and post it.. It'll probably be done in about a months time.

The Story

You are "The Hunter." You are nick-named that for a reason. Because you hunt.. and it's not animals that you hunt. In the year 2028, humans developed something called the 'Cyborg S.' It was a robot that was developed only for war. Then, a terrible accident in the year 2029 happened. The robots turned because of some virus that infected them. They waged war on the human race until the year 2031. The humans lost and robots enslaved the human race. Many humans rebelled and were killed. Those that survived hid under-ground. Those above ground were slaves that worked for only the robots. However, there were people named "The Hunters." They were a group of people who rebelled against these robots and killed them. Or rather destroyed. If they were caught, however, they were killed without mercy. However, there was one hunter you was considered the "Best of the best." This hunter killed the rest of the organization, and now fights alone. You, are "The Hunter."


So that's the story. I'll basically create a manga on this and it will start with him killing the whole clan. The main objective is the cure to this horrible virus.

So what do you guys think about the story? Good enough?

03-21-2008, 09:22 PM
I'll give you the quick story, and you will tell me if you like it. Then I'll piece this together and make a rough draft of a manga. I'll scan it and post it.. It'll probably be done in about a months time.

The Story

You are "The Hunter." You are nick-named that for a reason. Because you hunt.. and it's not animals that you hunt. In the year 2028, humans developed something called the 'Cyborg S.' It was a robot that was developed only for war. Then, a terrible accident in the year 2029 happened. The robots turned because of some virus that infected them. They waged war on the human race until the year 2031. The humans lost and robots enslaved the human race. Many humans rebelled and were killed. Those that survived hid under-ground. Those above ground were slaves that worked for only the robots. However, there were people named "The Hunters." They were a group of people who rebelled against these robots and killed them. Or rather destroyed. If they were caught, however, they were killed without mercy. However, there was one hunter you was considered the "Best of the best." This hunter killed the rest of the organization, and now fights alone. You, are "The Hunter."


So that's the story. I'll basically create a manga on this and it will start with him killing the whole clan. The main objective is the cure to this horrible virus.

So what do you guys think about the story? Good enough?

It sorta reminds me of Blade Runner meets Terminator.

Go for it.

03-21-2008, 11:16 PM
Lol the You Are "The Hunter" part got me =D

I would totally read or pay to read that

03-22-2008, 09:37 AM
I think 'Terminator' too, lol.
It's an interesting plot.
Go with it and show us soon :]

03-22-2008, 11:03 AM
I think 'Terminator' too, lol.
It's an interesting plot.
Go with it and show us soon :]

Well, in Blade Runner they have people called Blade Runners that have to seek out and destroy the artificial people....

Plus Terminator, where the robots take over and humans are sent into hiding.

Mix em together.

I like the idea. It's good go for it. I'll be reading it haha

03-22-2008, 11:06 AM
Good story so far :)

P.S: What's a manga. lol :rolleyes:

03-22-2008, 12:18 PM
Think of graphic novels, but that is what us "GRAPHIC NOVEL ELITE NERDS," call it.
I hope nobody took offense to that.

It'll be out soon... and if you guys like I'll probably take the idea to some agent. We'll see what happens from there.

GF Eric
03-22-2008, 12:35 PM
Go for it dude. The story line has a lot of potential. I give it a http://www.gamers-forum.com/images/icons/icon7.gifhttp://www.gamers-forum.com/images/icons/icon13.gif.

03-22-2008, 02:02 PM
Looks like it will be very interesting. Looking forward to it.:D

03-22-2008, 03:16 PM
I've already cooked up quite the ending. I'm sure you guys will like it.

Just on a quick note. The manga will come out first, then the story.
But you can choose what you guys want first. If you want the story it'll be done by next week.

03-22-2008, 03:35 PM
seems so similar to gurren lagann...
but, best of luck with it.

03-22-2008, 05:57 PM
Alright, here is a bit of news. It took me about two hours to finally write stuff down for 6 panels ahead (panels being those little box's). And another hour to draw. So Panel #1 and 2 have been complete. If I keep doing it at this rate by April 1st I'll have it complete. Lol, and it's not going to be April Fools.