View Full Version : Mangaka!

03-22-2008, 09:08 PM
Thanks to whoever told me the name for this job.
Does anybody know if they get a lot of money?
For their books. You know the guy that started Naruto, Death Note, etc. Do they get a lot of money?

03-22-2008, 10:30 PM
I would assume that they do now.
They probably make a decent wage when they start.

I couldn't tell you for sure though.

03-22-2008, 11:03 PM
Depends of the popularity of their manga.
Like Masashi Kishimoto (naruto manga-ka) makes at least 10,000,000 yen a year, which is roughly more than $100, 670.
granted, if all of the cost went straight to him, he'd be rolling in major cash, but most manga production teams have somewhere from 5-30 people on them, and the revenue has to be distributed, between them all, but not equally.

Then, counting into addition the popularity of said manga, such as apperal and accessories, the creator could gain a substansial boost in their pay-check.

So, to put it shortly it depends on
1) Whether the manga sells or not
2) How many people are on the manga team
3) Sales from products other than the manga, that still associate with it.

03-23-2008, 09:44 AM
10 million yen is pretty good for Japan. He can afford some really good stuff, but not here in America/Canada.
Say you are the only person working on this Manga. Illustration + Story. How much would you gain?

03-23-2008, 10:18 AM
10 million yen is pretty good for Japan. He can afford some really good stuff, but not here in America/Canada.
Say you are the only person working on this Manga. Illustration + Story. How much would you gain?

That would still depend on how popular your manga is.
So I don't really think there would be a set payment for it.

03-23-2008, 11:30 AM
That would still depend on how popular your manga is.
So I don't really think there would be a set payment for it.

lets say it was the manga for...Gundam SEED.