View Full Version : I made an ouchie

04-07-2008, 10:49 AM
Well here's what I did over the weekend. I went to Michigan to go snowmobiling. It was pretty sweet out there. A lot of snow for this time of year. So yeah back on topic here... Ahem. Well I was doing the usual going fourty to fifty around the corners. So I was going around the corner and I made it perfectly. But then there was another corner just about ten feet away. I WAS NOT even ready for that corner. So, if you couldn't tell, I went off trail going fifty six. And anyone who's done that before can tell you it's not pretty. All that I really remember is getting launched in the air. My leg bending sideways as a fell to the ground. I swear I heard it snap. Then the sled, 07 yamaha phazer custom, hit the tree. It left a nice big gash it the tree. Well two big gashes. Suprisingly enough the only thing it bent was the arm bar. I'm so glad that there was a bumper on these sleds or else I would have totalled it. Well back to my leg. It was bent sideways. Hurt like a son of a. If I was not so flexible as I am I would have forsurely of broken it. But I only hyperextended it. But now my leg is doing better it hurts every time I use it though but oh well I'm used to it now I guess. I iced it all yesterday and took some meds to help it. Now? Now I'm in school writing this thing haha. It still hurts to walk but I guess I gotta be here! I think i put this in the right forum and if I didn't I'm sorry.

04-07-2008, 01:48 PM
Oh man, that sounds like it hurt a whole lot.

It could have been a lot worse though.
Glad to see you're intact :]

04-07-2008, 01:48 PM
Ouch! That must hurt like...
Disgusting things like bending your leg really hard and it snapping freaks me out.
I want to go snowmobiling sometime. But reading that, just freaks me out.

04-07-2008, 11:01 PM
haha don't worry guys! i'm still in one peice! and i got my lovely girlfriend to tend to my wounds ;) haha. not that stuff you pervs!! haha

04-08-2008, 02:18 PM
Sounds painfull. I've always wanted to go snoboarding. I was going to go to a place near me where you can do it inside with fake snow. But I was ill so everyone went without me :(

04-08-2008, 04:36 PM
snowboarding would be like so much fun sorry about your leg.

04-09-2008, 10:47 AM
OUCHIE!!! I'm surprised you didnt snap your leg off!!!

04-09-2008, 11:36 AM
oh and to top it all off a had a major fever and my nose was stuffed and everything. i think i had the flu or something. haha go me! but yeah i'm suprised that my legs didn't snap either. but i was snowmobiling with three other guys so i would have probably had one of those ambulance liek sleds come out to get me. well probably not i'd probably get helicoptered out because we were 60 miles out of town. haha

04-10-2008, 05:16 PM
Sounds truely painful.... I feel sorry for you. Next time you should be more careful... :-P