View Full Version : What a bad week.

04-12-2008, 07:22 PM
Well, I've had a pretty bad week, on Wednesday we got report cards, and my grades were all A's and one B+, then the thing that got me pissed, a B. Now, I've gotten B's before but this one was diffrent. She said my effort wasn't enough, and a week before grades locked I had had a 93, it dropped to an 88. My grade dropped because I didn't do one homework, she said it while my group were discussing a project, then promised she would put it on the website. Then as you probably guessed, she didn't, I called 2 people who both said we didn't have homework, and what do ya know, she gave me a 0.
A funny point, my writing teacher called my effort satisfactory, but called my work excellent.

The today, we had a soccer game, we were constantly the best team in the league, but we had lost a good player from last year but we were still confident. We came into this game, 1-1, with our one loss by forfeit cause our team doesn't have enough people most games. So today, both teams agreed to play 10 v. 10, because we only had 10 people. Well luck wasn't on our side from the beginning. We had the wind at our face in the first half and my friend who is super fast. Took the ball, dribbled up, but his last dribble was too long, and he took a shot but the keeper was already there. The ball rebounded, and I found it coming to me, so I unloaded on a one-timer, I don't have very much power, so we were all surprised, when #1, I was off-target, #2, I had over shot and kicked the ball over the fence with the wind at my face. But we had about 10 5 chances, like that and we failed to score. Such as, at 2-0, (I'll get to that point in a moment) The fast kid took a corner, and the goalie dropped it, and a bad player, didn't kick the dang ball and they were saved.
So, at 0-0 I believe(I didn't really catch it) but they were very unsportsmanlike and snuck in an 11th player. This was when the tides turned. They scored one goal, with four in front of the net, and another when our keeper dropped the ball after making a great save. and they took it and scored. So, we came into the second half, expecting the wind at our backs, and wadda ya know, the wind stopped and it started raining. But we got it together, and we scored one goal. But with about 5 minutes left, we had a corner. I positioned myself blocking the keeper and getting the front post, the keeper pushed me from behind and the ball went out, but the ref(I don't know but I'm guessing he saw what happened)called another corner. So on this one, I drew a few more people because they knew what I was doing, so after laughing at me(Which don't ya know the ref suddenly went deaf.) They started "Accidently"Punching me.and the ball went past me, and we almost scored again, I set someone up, but we failed. So the super fast kid with about 2 minutes left down by one(If you didn't realize by know, he is also the best player) was dribbling down the field, he took a shot, and was competing with another player, fell and lay on the ground rocking back and forth in pain. This is when the other team really pissed me off. I heard one of them say, "He's just delaying time now" then, I got pissed. The kid, he has what everyone believes to be a fracture in his wrist, which kills our season. But now, we were playing 11 V. 9 Even though we had agreed to play 10 v 10. So we lost, and those kids when we play them again next year, I'm going to unleash everything.

So now, you see why it was bad I hope.

04-12-2008, 07:28 PM
lol what a week for you - effort is satisfactory but work is excellent? shouldn't it be the other way around lol - like you put in a LOT of effort but your work doesn't always come out "excellent"

what a teacher you have

04-12-2008, 08:31 PM
Obviously a crappy teacher. OH! And sorry about that game. You should have went over, side-walk kicked the kick who said he is just delaying time, and then whack the ref in a face with a herring.

Then leave.

04-13-2008, 01:05 PM
Your refs SUCK. When I played soccer, if somebody got hurt the clock was stopped.

04-13-2008, 02:58 PM
Your refs SUCK. When I played soccer, if somebody got hurt the clock was stopped.


Sorry about your bad week.
I've been having a bad couple weeks too.
Definitely overloaded with homework, practice, games, school, and team outings.

I don't even get any time to myself.

04-13-2008, 03:43 PM
Wow. I feel sorry for you man. Your teachers have no idea how to mark.

Nerdy Knight
04-13-2008, 04:07 PM
Yeah, sorry about your crappy week man. I used to play a little soccer too, and our ref made some pretty $hit-worthy calls. I don't actually remember what happened, but I think he was calling bad shots on purpose, because the other team's coach was paying him. Glad that mo-fo got fired.

04-13-2008, 05:38 PM
Yeah, it was a break, he broke it in 2 diffrent places. I saw him today.