View Full Version : bsod oh joy...

05-10-2008, 02:00 PM
here's the story. i was running a virus scan. i was looking at my other anti virus to see what bugs it caught and what the otehr didn't when i accidently clicked scan and they both were scanning... not good. so then my computer just up and froze after and about a minute it had unfroze but half on the screen went black. so i shut it off and turned it on. it went to the user menu then i clicked my name then it just came up with a bsod. i can't go in safe mode or anything.
here's what it says.

STOP: C0000128 {registry file Failure The registry cannot load the hive (file):
(System Root/System32\Config\DEFAULT or its own log or alternate. It is corrupt, absent, or not writable.

i can't go in any mode to try and correct it and frankly i don't have the time right now to go looking around in there to see what's wrong.
I'm alsi typing this because my computer's tech support isn't open on weekends. yeah never buy an inbuypower computer you'll only have problems and problems. they're kind of a rip off too. i must have paid $1600 for somethnig i coud have made for $1000

05-10-2008, 02:23 PM
i've only heard of this type of an error when a system restore goes wrong :/ not with an antivirus going haywire

How to recover from a corrupted registry that prevents Windows XP from starting (http://support.microsoft.com/Default.aspx?kbid=307545)

read that above article but they do advise if its an OEM computer made by dell or hp or the other ones, you will have a difficult time logging in because they put in administrator passwords in there - i built and installed the OS to almost all the computers in my house so i have my pw

you may also need a Windows XP startup disk and if that doesn't work you'll have to go to your tech support to get them to give you the pw needed for this OR just make a fresh install of Windows XP if you don't mind starting all over

05-10-2008, 02:47 PM
i don't knw. all that i know is i've only had problems since i got my computer half of my computer was doa whern i got it so i had to spend like $50 to ship back the defective parts. then i had one bsod a few months back where i had to reinstall xp then now this. i'm glad i get my 60 grand this year and i can strip this oen down and make my own computer.

ok i tried looknig at that thing but it can't go in to any mode at all. the only thing i can get into is bios and if i try to go into safe mode it jsut comes up with that thing... still.

08-26-2008, 04:58 PM
you could try re-installing XP - I've done this over an existing installation and it just restores and configures the registry for windows components and leaves the rest of the stuff intact (so you don't need to reinstall all your software)