View Full Version : N.K. Game Review...I-Ninja (PS2)

Nerdy Knight
05-18-2008, 09:59 PM
To be honest with you, I've run out of ideas for game reviews, so I'm just gonna review this game that I've had for a while, and loved. This fantastic game is:



You are Ninja, a rookie warrior whose skill with the blade is as large as his head. After your sensei is captured by the evil O-Dor's army of Ranx, you go in to save him. Upon finding him, you come upon a mysterious object. Before your sensei can stop you from taking it, you grab the magical rock, and begin to go CRAZY! In a blind rage, you kill your sensei by accident, and now learn that you must gather the remaining Rage Stones and defeat O-Dor to bring a stop to his dark and stinky rule!
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Although not in the slightest bit epic, the game's story is both original and full of humor. A lot of old and fat people jokes are thrown in, which is quite hilarious when you're carving up enemies. You'll be slicing them in two, and you'll be cracking jokes about his mother. It's pretty funny to hear, and lots of fun. The game's cast of characters is pretty small in size, but are very interesting and fun to talk with.
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While not totally great, the graphics of I-Ninja have an interesting flair to them that makes for some truly interesting visuals. The backgrounds and landscape are colorful and rich, and character animations are awesome (especially when you're carving up Ranx with your ninja sword and green blood is shooting everywhere :-P)! There are many cool effects added to the game as well, giving off that cool super special awesome ninja feel. Here's a few screenshots:




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In a game about ninjas, you need really cool ultra awesome ninja moves, don't ya? Well that's exactly what you get in I-Ninja. Lots of moves such as climbing and running across walls, chain swinging across ledges, multiple sword combos, shuriken and blowdart attacks, and cool flashly ninja background attacks that you only see in anime shows are right here. They even let you fight in a giant 150 foot robot! That alone earns it an 8! But the .5 is also for the cool battles you can have when facing large amounts of them. Not to mention the levels all offer a different kind of task that must be dealt with, so each level has it's on special objective.
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Although not the best game for the PS2, I-Ninja is still one of the most original and personality filled games for the PS2. I'm sure you'll enjoy the game. I hope you guys enjoyed my review.

05-18-2008, 10:02 PM
good review,looks entertaining...never heard of it...might pick it up someday.

05-19-2008, 10:52 PM
hey good review! interesting game... from the cover I thought that game would suck but it actually looks interesting.

05-26-2008, 09:20 PM
Yea, the cover makes it look like a crappy game...But your review makes it sound great!

Good job!