View Full Version : The Free Topic

06-01-2008, 04:25 PM
Just talk about whatever. If you have something to say that there isn't a topic for and you don't think it's good enough for it's own topic, post it here. Don't try to change the topic too much because then it becomes spam, and that's bad.

All other forums i've been on have had free topics and they work wonders.

So anyways, to start things off...

I pre-ordered MGS4 and then later decided i wanted the special edition. So I called to ask how i could upgrade my pre-order, and they said that i had to go to the store and sign a paper or something. So, I told my mom this and she said okay. So we went to the mall today to change it, but we went to the wrong mall (i pre-ordered at a mall i usually don't go to)

so I have about a week and a half to change my pre-order...and we can't go next weekend.


06-01-2008, 04:57 PM
This sounds like spam from the get go but anyways speaking of pre-orders..I have both GRID and MGS4 pre-ordered.

06-01-2008, 05:44 PM
I've never pre-ordered anything.
I usually just buy it a couple weeks later, lol.

06-01-2008, 11:07 PM
I pre-ordered Grid and MGS4 cause I'm terrible with money.

06-02-2008, 05:16 PM
I pre-ordered Grid and MGS4 cause I'm terrible with money.

Well, if it's a game I really want, then I go out and buy it. I only pre-ordered MGS4 cuz i wanted the bonus disk.

06-02-2008, 06:23 PM
I never pre-order games. I dont know why I just dont. either I wait and rent it to see if I like it or I buy it. usually I rent

06-02-2008, 06:26 PM
I never pre-order games. I dont know why I just dont. either I wait and rent it to see if I like it or I buy it. usually I rent

Well if I rent a game I usually end up really liking the game and buy it anyways. That's happened to me like 4 times. So I just buy em now. But all of these ps3 games i'll probably just rent em. Don't wanna spend $60 a game when they're only like 10 hours long.

06-02-2008, 07:51 PM
I saw a blockbuster near my old junior high school today - didn't think there were any around me - i was on the bus just passing by and noticed lol, don't think it was there when i was going to school there though - well if it was, i never went in

06-02-2008, 08:21 PM
I saw a blockbuster near my old junior high school today - didn't think there were any around me - i was on the bus just passing by and noticed lol, don't think it was there when i was going to school there though - well if it was, i never went in

well that's...random.

I haven't been to blockbuster in ages. I wanna go again.

06-02-2008, 09:26 PM
lol, Blockbusters..I wonder how long they'll be staying in business .

06-03-2008, 11:38 AM
Hmm... I've never actually been to Blockbuster. Seen lots of commercials though.:twitcy:

06-03-2008, 11:40 AM
I can't believe my GRID preorder didn't come in today.

06-03-2008, 02:39 PM
I can't believe my GRID preorder didn't come in today.

That sorta really sucks. Where did you pre-order it from

06-03-2008, 10:18 PM
That sorta really sucks. Where did you pre-order it from
Gamestop, although he may have come around 5 or so but I was out and when my dad answered the phone all he got weird sounds and pauses. Tomorrow it is I suppose.

06-05-2008, 03:28 PM
I preodered Mercenaries 2 =D...just gotta wait a hell of a long time...and i only go to HollywoodVideo or GameStop, Blockbuster sucks

06-05-2008, 04:06 PM
I preodered Mercenaries 2 =D...just gotta wait a hell of a long time...and i only go to HollywoodVideo or GameStop, Blockbuster sucks

Blockbuster is the only option around here. I really wish there was another, cuz their horror selection sucks. They have all sorts of B-movie crap, but nothing like jacob's ladder, rosemary's baby, suspiria...good movies that freak you out.


I need to go rent some PS3 games. When Bioshock comes out i'll probably rent that.

06-05-2008, 10:11 PM
eh I like blockbuster idk its ok.. I dont rent stuff that often but I am going to start doing so now.

06-06-2008, 01:00 AM
what about that game fly renting thing, anyone try that out? im asking cuz a friend of mine just asked me on aim and i was just wondering

06-06-2008, 01:34 AM
what about that game fly renting thing, anyone try that out? im asking cuz a friend of mine just asked me on aim and i was just wondering
I've heard nothing but good things about. So ya tell him to go ahead and do it..if I was into renting games I'd defiantly have a subscription.

OT: GRID is good...PS3/360 owners go buy it ktksbai

06-06-2008, 11:36 AM
I've heard nothing but good things about. So ya tell him to go ahead and do it..if I was into renting games I'd defiantly have a subscription.

OT: GRID is good...PS3/360 owners go buy it ktksbai

alright, i'll tell him later today if i get to talk to him again - i wonder if they sell games too lol

gonna go check out their site later, i never went, weird

06-06-2008, 05:55 PM
well there is also netflix

06-06-2008, 07:38 PM
well there is also netflix

Netflix doesn't rent games

alright, i'll tell him later today if i get to talk to him again - i wonder if they sell games too lol

gonna go check out their site later, i never went, weird

They sell games..but I believe they're all used. I wouldn't buy off them unless they were PS3..cause ppl in this country are terrible when it comes to renting things..reason I say only PS3 cause durabis makes it nearly impossible to scratch a game.

06-08-2008, 10:41 AM
So what does everyone think of the Free Topic?

06-08-2008, 01:20 PM
So what does everyone think of the Free Topic?

It's pretty neat :]
You can have a free discussion without having all the spam.

06-08-2008, 02:17 PM
yeah I think free topics are cool cause then there is no spam. oh netflix doesnt rent games oh well..

06-09-2008, 12:18 AM
yeah I think free topics are cool cause then there is no spam. oh netflix doesnt rent games oh well..

For some reason i've never really trusted in the mail renting services....for unknown reasons, cuz it seems like a great deal, and there's nothing about them that's un-trustable. Plus, my neighbor has it and they're always like omg. they rent like everything.

And I don't need to rent games, I just buy em. Of course, I haven't boughten a PS3 game since I got Splinter Cell...but thursday will change that... :-D

anyways, with all these ps3 games being so expensive and short, Renting may be the way to go. Or better yet...borrowing.

06-09-2008, 12:43 AM
So what does everyone think of the Free Topic?

I think it deserves to be moved to the spam section cause that's what it's really is. but looking past that I'm sure It'll lead to interesting discussions over time.

@ Episonx- did you complain about PS2 price tags as well or any other gen? Cause really 60 bucks for the extra you get is well worth it and you bring up short games..well certain games are going to be shorter than others but really you don't need to beat a game in a couple days..also would like to point out due to inflation 60 bucks now is the same as 50 bucks back when PS2 launched. But renting certainly isn't the way to go..well I guess if your a poor teen then yeah but really the exception there.Also If your worried about game price perhaps you shouldn't of bought a 600 dollar PS3..but instead 250 wii that games are 50...just a thought

06-09-2008, 05:26 AM
I think it deserves to be moved to the spam section cause that's what it's really is. but looking past that I'm sure It'll lead to interesting discussions over time.

@ Episonx- did you complain about PS2 price tags as well or any other gen? Cause really 60 bucks for the extra you get is well worth it and you bring up short games..well certain games are going to be shorter than others but really you don't need to beat a game in a couple days..also would like to point out due to inflation 60 bucks now is the same as 50 bucks back when PS2 launched. But renting certainly isn't the way to go..well I guess if your a poor teen then yeah but really the exception there.Also If your worried about game price perhaps you shouldn't of bought a 600 dollar PS3..but instead 250 wii that games are 50...just a thought

I rent to try a game I'm unsure of.
It seems like a waste, but I'd rather pay 8 bucks to rent a game then buy one for 60 that I'll never play again.
I don't usually rent a game more than once anyways.
If I like it I'll buy it.

06-09-2008, 05:38 AM
Reason I don't rent is because there is a huge amounts of previews, game vids, gameplay explanations and demo's out for games that I can decide if this is worthy of me buying at full price or bargain bin.

06-09-2008, 10:33 AM
Reason I don't rent is because there is a huge amounts of previews, game vids, gameplay explanations and demo's out for games that I can decide if this is worthy of me buying at full price or bargain bin.

I usually don't trust those.
I'd much rather get a personal experience, because I've been duped a couple times.

06-09-2008, 08:28 PM
oh I hate when I am duped. the game sucks its like I wish I rented it... lol

06-09-2008, 08:30 PM
lol, that happened once this gen.F1 back in the days of PS3 having very few games...got caught up in the hype, even loved the demo..then came review after review trashing it..I was like they're wrong I'm wrong mindset and bought it anyway...man I sure hated that thing..I think because I didn't really know any of the drivers...I think I was thinking of the US kart series...any who traded it in 3 weeks later for 26 credit and bought Oblivion..great decision on my part there...put about 170 hours into and still didn't beat it...sucks that I accidentally screwed up my harddrive and lost the save cause I never could get into the game again..my dad on the hand had about a 150 save and came back with a nearly 220 hour save..he hasn't beaten it yet and I think he has a lot of Shivering Isles to do

06-10-2008, 05:30 AM
I hate when a save doesn't go through.
It's happened a couple times to me and I have such a hard time getting back into the game.
Only if the save happened after like 4 hours of game play or something.

It's happened twice in GTA IV just 'cause my dad doesn't like to save my games, lol.
I haven't been deterred from that though.

06-11-2008, 04:54 PM
I think it deserves to be moved to the spam section cause that's what it's really is. but looking past that I'm sure It'll lead to interesting discussions over time.

@ Episonx- did you complain about PS2 price tags as well or any other gen? Cause really 60 bucks for the extra you get is well worth it and you bring up short games..well certain games are going to be shorter than others but really you don't need to beat a game in a couple days..also would like to point out due to inflation 60 bucks now is the same as 50 bucks back when PS2 launched. But renting certainly isn't the way to go..well I guess if your a poor teen then yeah but really the exception there.Also If your worried about game price perhaps you shouldn't of bought a 600 dollar PS3..but instead 250 wii that games are 50...just a thought

final fantasy 8 = $20, over 40 hours of play.

Heavenly Sword = $60, about 5 hours of play (from what i hear)

and, MGS4 and FF13 aren't gonna be put on the Wii, are they? uh nope. also, my ps3 was $500. And last gen, I barely bought any games. I didn't get a ps2 until christmas '06, and back in ps1 days the games were cheaper.

06-12-2008, 05:47 AM
final fantasy 8 = $20, over 40 hours of play.

Heavenly Sword = $60, about 5 hours of play (from what i hear)

and, MGS4 and FF13 aren't gonna be put on the Wii, are they? uh nope. also, my ps3 was $500. And last gen, I barely bought any games. I didn't get a ps2 until christmas '06, and back in ps1 days the games were cheaper.

That's a dumb comparison your comparing a new Heavenly Sword game's price (7 hrs actually) to a nearly 10 year old game..do see where your flawed there. Also where in the hell did the 2nd part of your post come...I never once said MGS4/FF13 would go to Wii..so yeah explain where did that come from also if FF13/MGS4 were to go multi-plat it'd be 360/PS3..Wii is too weak in terms of power. Any ways it's sounds like your in the wrong hobby because buying games can get expensive.

06-12-2008, 10:29 PM
That's a dumb comparison your comparing a new Heavenly Sword game's price (7 hrs actually) to a nearly 10 year old game..do see where your flawed there. Also where in the hell did the 2nd part of your post come...I never once said MGS4/FF13 would go to Wii..so yeah explain where did that come from also if FF13/MGS4 were to go multi-plat it'd be 360/PS3..Wii is too weak in terms of power. Any ways it's sounds like your in the wrong hobby because buying games can get expensive.

You totally mis-interpreted my post. We were talking about renting games is the way to go for me, and you or somebody else said it's not the way to go. Well, games these days have been completely disappointing me, and even though i'd like to play through them, they're nothing that i'd end up going back to over the years. So, I see no point in buying them. It also doesn't help that recent games are a lot shorter than older games.

I mentioned Final Fantasy 8 because it's a cheaper game, from old days, that has a lot of gameplay. Something that i'd be willing to buy (even at it's original price when it came out) But something like Call of Duty 4 or heavenly sword, which are way more expensive, are also incredibly short, and since i'm not one for online play, I see absolutely no reason to spend more than a rental fee on the game in order to beat the campaign.

I mentioned MGS4 and FF13 not going onto the Wii because those 2 games are the main reasons I bought a PS3, and in an earlier post you suggested to me that I got a Wii instead because it's cheaper.


And no, video gaming is NOT the wrong hobby for me. I just prefer to spend my money that will keep me entertained for a long time, not a quick few hours.

06-13-2008, 01:06 AM
So after reading your posts this basically what I'm figuring out about you...

Your favrorite genre has to be RPG
You never replay a game even if it's awesome.

Well all I can tell ya your defiantly in the minority with the renting the way to go, if more had your opinion we'd see evidence in the game sales dept, speaking of game sales I'm happy for MGS4.. apparently in Japan it's selling really well...today we'll be getting first day numbers..from the sounds of it it'll become a top 10 selling PS3 game in Japan on day 1.

06-13-2008, 09:47 AM
So after reading your posts this basically what I'm figuring out about you...

Your favrorite genre has to be RPG
You never replay a game even if it's awesome.

Well all I can tell ya your defiantly in the minority with the renting the way to go, if more had your opinion we'd see evidence in the game sales dept, speaking of game sales I'm happy for MGS4.. apparently in Japan it's selling really well...today we'll be getting first day numbers..from the sounds of it it'll become a top 10 selling PS3 game in Japan on day 1.

Nope. I replay games that are totally awesome many times. I've beaten spyro 2 probably like 6 times. Beaten legend of dragoon like 3 (and thats a long game) beaten metal gear solid 3 times, metal gear solid 2 twice, megaman zero 3 about 40 times (!!) Super Mario Sunshine probably about 4 times, Luigis mansion probably about 3 times...so yes, I do replay games...a lot. And i've only recently gotten some of those.

Yes I love rpg's, but I also love survival horror and some action/adventure (shadow of the colossus, And stuff like mario and spyro.)

But I've played Ninja Gaiden, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted...I'd play them once and probably never again. They're not my style of gaming, and most games these days are either hack n slash or a shooter of some sort...I don't want to spend $60 on a game that I probably won't play that much, but that doesn't mean I don't want to play it....so renting is the way to go IMO.

06-13-2008, 09:48 AM
Ah, I hate renting. Even though it lets me test the game, I forget about it and -late fees- kicks in. I just buy games I want, and I haven't had a sucky game yet.

06-13-2008, 10:59 AM
Ah, I hate renting. Even though it lets me test the game, I forget about it and -late fees- kicks in. I just buy games I want, and I haven't had a sucky game yet.

That's why I like blockbuster's 'no late fees'.
You get the renting time plus a 7 day grace period to return the game.
After that you pay a restock fee of $1.25.
If you don't return the game in 30 days you owe the price of the game.

So essentially there IS a late fee, but you get some time to remember that you actually have the game :]

06-13-2008, 02:09 PM
Still, it's a late fee. They may *SAY* you get more time, but that really is just renting time. You still forget about the game, happens all the time.

06-13-2008, 07:04 PM
Still, it's a late fee. They may *SAY* you get more time, but that really is just renting time. You still forget about the game, happens all the time.

Well, not so much for me.
You really get two weeks to play the game.
I think it's pretty fair.

But whatever.
More than half of you are against renting anyways, lol.

P.S. 1600 POST :]

06-13-2008, 10:50 PM
I like to rent video games because I hate to get duped.

06-14-2008, 02:04 AM
Another thing I hate about renting is 2 things

1) having the feeling of being rushed through games, even when Mover Gallery was open 5 days for me really isn't enough seeing I have many other games and now that movie gallery is closed I don't have any option for multi-day rental. It's like 6.99 a day for a PS3 game at Family Video and the locally owned store called Movie Magic is crappy and I haven't been there is ages..I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have a single current gen game there.

2) When I used to rent games back in the day I'd hate the feeling of liking one and wanting to own it when I returned it thus making me spend more for a brand new game.

06-15-2008, 09:46 PM
Another thing I hate about renting is 2 things

1) having the feeling of being rushed through games, even when Mover Gallery was open 5 days for me really isn't enough seeing I have many other games and now that movie gallery is closed I don't have any option for multi-day rental. It's like 6.99 a day for a PS3 game at Family Video and the locally owned store called Movie Magic is crappy and I haven't been there is ages..I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have a single current gen game there.

2) When I used to rent games back in the day I'd hate the feeling of liking one and wanting to own it when I returned it thus making me spend more for a brand new game.

Well, I recently decided renting wasn't for me. So when I first got my PS3 I went out and bought FEAR for $60 and decided that maybe I should start renting again after that.

06-15-2008, 10:15 PM
Well, I recently decided renting wasn't for me. So when I first got my PS3 I went out and bought FEAR for $60 and decided that maybe I should start renting again after that.

Yeah, that game wasn't so hot :]

06-16-2008, 10:33 AM
Well, I recently decided renting wasn't for me. So when I first got my PS3 I went out and bought FEAR for $60 and decided that maybe I should start renting again after that.

Or heres a crazy idea...do some ****ing research...If you would have done some you'd realize it was a turd now for your going to miss out on owning awesome game because of your stupidity..for shame, your loss dude.

06-16-2008, 10:49 AM
Or heres a crazy idea...do some ****ing research...If you would have done some you'd realize it was a turd now for your going to miss out on owning awesome game because of your stupidity..for shame, your loss dude.

I did plenty of research. FEAR seemed like just what i wanted. But it was far from what I wanted. I always do research before i buy a game, and i've only been disappointed once (by FEAR)

So from now on whenever I buy ps3 games I wait til they hit the $30 mark, or I rent them (or if i want something really bad, like MGS4 or FF13, I'll pay full price ASAP...I still have to pick up my mgs4 preorder)

06-16-2008, 11:12 AM
I did plenty of research. FEAR seemed like just what i wanted. But it was far from what I wanted. I always do research before i buy a game, and i've only been disappointed once (by FEAR)

So from now on whenever I buy ps3 games I wait til they hit the $30 mark, or I rent them (or if i want something really bad, like MGS4 or FF13, I'll pay full price ASAP...I still have to pick up my mgs4 preorder)

I wouldn't doubt that they already didn't sell your preorder.. I think they only have to keep it for 2 days then it's free game for any walk in customer and not sure if they'd sent shipment 2 already, so what I'm really saying is you may have wait a week or 2 to pick it up :laugh:

06-16-2008, 11:14 AM
I wouldn't doubt that they already didn't sell your preorder.. I think they only have to keep it for 2 days then it's free game for any walk in customer and not sure if they'd sent shipment 2 already, so what I'm really saying is you may have wait a week or 2 to pick it up :laugh:

I told him that I wouldn't be able to pick it up within the 2 weeks and he said that he was gonna set it aside for me and make sure it wasn't sold.

06-16-2008, 11:18 AM
I told him that I wouldn't be able to pick it up within the 2 weeks and he said that he was gonna set it aside for me and make sure it wasn't sold.
unless it's your friend...talk is cheap.

06-16-2008, 11:26 AM
unless it's your friend...talk is cheap.

I would agree..

06-16-2008, 11:29 AM
and even it it's your friend the boss might force him to sell it or a co-worker sells it on a day off. But if your going to pick it up in 2 wks.. shipment 2 should have arrived already

06-16-2008, 01:08 PM
and even it it's your friend the boss might force him to sell it or a co-worker sells it on a day off. But if your going to pick it up in 2 wks.. shipment 2 should have arrived already

I meant 2 days. my bad. Hopefully going up wednesday. Gotta call to see if they have it though

06-17-2008, 07:35 PM
So I mowed my lawn a while ago but i only did half of it. and its grown a lot since then so half of my lawn looks like a jungle and the other half doesn't. It's kind of funny.

06-17-2008, 07:40 PM
So I mowed my lawn a while ago but i only did half of it. and its grown a lot since then so half of my lawn looks like a jungle and the other half doesn't. It's kind of funny.

I like mowing the lawn.
We have a riding mower, so it's fun :]

06-17-2008, 09:35 PM
So my computer is p1ssing me off. Yeah it's going the route of my old annoying one. It's humming above normal and then every so often it's unbearably loud and the only way I can stop the sound if I push the case in... I think it's my new HD going crazy.

08-10-2011, 05:20 PM
So I feel like this is a good topic and it should be brought back.

08-10-2011, 05:26 PM
Well just read that massive entertainment was helping ubisoft montreal with far cry 3.

Massive made the world in conflict games and I really think that they will help the development.


08-10-2011, 05:27 PM
I heard far cry 2 was terrible but it still looks fun and I wanna try it.

08-10-2011, 05:28 PM
Isn't this just kind of what the GF Lounge is for? :P

Seems like it could be used as a way just to run up post counts by not really talking about anything o-o

08-10-2011, 05:35 PM
I thought it WAS in the Gf lounge? O.o Anyways, move it there if you want but on all the Megaman sites I used to be a part of we had a free topic like this and it was always the most popular topic, but wasn't ever abused for post count. (Since it was an RPG site, your post count was how much money you had.)

08-10-2011, 05:38 PM
It's in Post Anything XD

I don't really care either way; it's just a hard topic to try and moderate and be like "You're off topic!" :P

08-10-2011, 05:43 PM
ah, I remember making one of these before and it was in the GF Lounge and I just found this one instead haha.

But I mean, it's just a bit harder. If you see a post like "thanks for the info" or "I agree" it's spam, cuz thats how people spam other threads.

08-10-2011, 05:45 PM
ah, I remember making one of these before and it was in the GF Lounge and I just found this one instead haha.

But I mean, it's just a bit harder. If you see a post like "thanks for the info" or "I agree" it's spam, cuz thats how people spam other threads.

unless tehy really want to thank for the info :p

08-10-2011, 05:47 PM
unless tehy really want to thank for the info :p

Well when a person with 2 posts says "thanks for the info" in like 4 topics, it's pretty obvious.