View Full Version : Global Warming

07-07-2008, 11:25 PM
How many people think Global Warming is true.

I think it will happen, but not as fast or as bad as scientist say it will be.

07-07-2008, 11:31 PM
global warming = warming of our globe - not the first time to happen but this is the first time that is being promoted by man-made materials and the burning of fossil fuels which put so much more carbon dioxide into the air in one year than would normally go up in 10 years or even a 100 years

melting of the polar ice caps on both poles also show that the globe is warming up and a huge landmass of ice in antarctica a few years ago disappeared in a matter of days because the temperatures there were unusually high.

the only reason you will hear scientists "say" that global warming isn't real yet is because of pressure from big companies and sometimes even the government.

Oil companies - they will say global warming is not real because people will buy more hybrid cars which requires less gas and that's bad for the oil companies. They pay off scientists to say global warming is just a "theory" just like the Tobacco companies paid off doctors to say "nicotine is not addictive" and then a few years later it was proved they were completely wrong and I am not sure but I think they were charged with perjury.

lol i can keep going since I've been discussing global warming since like the 8th grade and the facts just keep on adding on to my head. And we should add a poll

edit: hope you dont mind, i added a poll just to keep count a little easier

07-07-2008, 11:37 PM
A huge landmass disappeared sin a matter of days? I find that hard to believe.... It must of been like 90 degrees or something. The reason scietist "can't" say that global warming is true is because theirs no 100% proof of it. There's no way to be completely sure of nature. It's just like in the great movie "The happening" The kid said, No one can completely understand the course of which nature takes.

07-08-2008, 12:13 AM
more people are saying its true than people saying its false and as time goes by the numbers changes in favor of "true"

and about a huge landmass disappearing is true - they had a whole special on it on the discovery channel and i remember one of my science professors bringing it up because he studied geology and the earth's climate then went towards physics

the temperature there was just over the melting point of ice and whole chunks of ice just started ripping off and melting into the ocean and ice just wouldn't break up unless some parts of it was melting and making it slippery

i am not sure about that article but it talks about antarctica losing more ice in the past 10 years - didn't see it mention that place ( i skimmed through)

they called the location something - forgot, but it was a cool name lol

and the panic isn't about the earth warming up, its about the ice melting because the earth is warming up, if it all starts to melt and go away the sea levels would rise tens of meters if not hundreds and that is enough to destroy the coastal areas such as Florida, Louisiana, Coastal Africa, asia, europe, etc...

07-08-2008, 12:31 AM
Remember, I believe in Global warming will happen, I just think scientists are making seem like a lot more than it is.

You said in the polar bear thread that the green house effect was the major cause in global warming.

Theirs also evidence that cosmic rays or the Sun's ultraviolet radiation was a major cause of it also. There isn't as much evidence of it as there is about the green house effect, because we can't get up close to the sun and study it.

07-08-2008, 12:48 AM
ultraviolet radiation doesn't really have that much of an affect, just on people with the sunburns and most of it is filtered by the ozone layer of the planet and carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses eat up the ozone layer and allows more ultraviolet light which is harmful for the human skin

and the sun does give out heat, a lot of heat, but i am not certain if it is in ultraviolet light , but it does give out other forms of heat and the greenhouse gasses just traps the heat and lets the light go through and if too much heat is contained in the planet, that's the whole global warming issue

and the sun has nothing to do with the greenhouse gasses, we don't have to study the sun, its this planet that is warming up and threatening our livelihood

And a majority of the heat in this planet comes from the planet itself, the core, its the energy of the planet - it gives off heat and usually it'll fly out into space but the gasses slowing the process, keeping the heat inside the atmosphere longer and longer and as more heat comes and it gets hotter because less heat is able to leave the planet.

its almost 2 am and my brain is fried lol, i am not thinking as fast, will get to arguing tomorrow lol, i used to debate stuff in high school - not part of the debate team or anything but practicing to be a lawyer and you have to debate and so far from my experience, you have brought up some good arguments and facts, i applaud you for that :)

07-08-2008, 12:55 AM
My brain works better at night....

You can't count out the ultraviolet rays isn't a major cause. If it can cause burns to the skin, of a 98 degree body. Then what can it do to the ice? It's true that the ozone layer blocks some of it out. Then again, the ozone layer is getting smaller and smaller. The temperature is getting hotter and hotter. That gives me signs that the ultraviolet rays are doing a major part in it.

As for the core heating the earth. I don't think that causes a lot of it. It doesn't help it any, but still. Cave's are always 63 degrees or w/e it is. Wouldn't that also get hotter if it was the inside of the earth heating it up?

07-08-2008, 01:03 AM
ultraviolet lights can't eat up the ozone layer, greenhouse gasses destroys the ozone layer by taking over it

ozone layer lets both light and heat out keeping out some of the "toxins" if you will, from space - greenhouse gasses, lets light in and out, but lets far less heat out than the ozone layer - ultraviolet light isn't strong enough to do that to the ozone layer, not for another 3 billion years at least when the sun expands and becomes hotter

07-08-2008, 01:06 AM
ultraviolet lights can't eat up the ozone layer, greenhouse gasses destroys the ozone layer by taking over it

ozone layer lets both light and heat out keeping out some of the "toxins" if you will, from space - greenhouse gasses, lets light in and out, but lets far less heat out than the ozone layer - ultraviolet light isn't strong enough to do that to the ozone layer, not for another 3 billion years at least when the sun expands and becomes hotter

I was saying that the ultraviolet rays were melting the ice, not the ozone layer....

07-08-2008, 07:21 AM
Earth is always going through warming periods, and this is no different, I just think that we contributed and are making it worse.

07-08-2008, 07:51 AM
i do believe in global warming and i do believe that Antarctica is melting

07-08-2008, 08:03 AM
Global Warming is a natural cycle the Earth has to go through. By us burning our fuel, etc, creating a hole in the ozone layer is provacating this global warming to come much quicker then it should.

07-08-2008, 09:29 AM
Global Warming is happening I do believe that
Antartica is melting and if it does we will be in trouble
we are also making it worse.
we are cutting down to many trees
and using too much fossil fuels
and we need to save the polar bears

07-08-2008, 10:28 AM
I was saying that the ultraviolet rays were melting the ice, not the ozone layer....

ultraviolet light can't melt ice because ice is reflective, it reflects back all light, the weather and temperature around the ice is what's melting it and ice helps reflect light and some heat back into space but the atmosphere is heating up too quickly and the ice just can't handle the pressure so they crack lol, well kind of a metaphor but kinda not a metaphor

07-08-2008, 12:06 PM
ultraviolet light can't melt ice because ice is reflective, it reflects back all light, the weather and temperature around the ice is what's melting it and ice helps reflect light and some heat back into space but the atmosphere is heating up too quickly and the ice just can't handle the pressure so they crack lol, well kind of a metaphor but kinda not a metaphor

Exactly, why isn't ultraviolet rays a big part in it. It is true that fossil fuels ate up the ozone layer, but I think ultraviolet rays are doing all the work, melting the ice.

07-08-2008, 12:19 PM
ultraviolet light bounces off the ice because ice reflects light, it can't melt the ice unless the ice is at the equator or if the ice isn't reflective and its not the easiest to explain but you can do an experiment at home - put a UV light on top of a bunch of ice cubes in your fridge and see if that does any damage which i doubt will

and Fossil Fuel Burning produces Carbon Dioxide and other greenhouse gasses, its not the fossil fuel that does the damage, its the waste product of fossil fuel which does the damage, that's what we produce by burning it up

07-08-2008, 12:26 PM
global warming is real, i remember the summers getting hotter and hotter and winters are warmer and warmer than before, I havent seen a white christmas in years :-P

07-08-2008, 12:32 PM
Wait aren't the winters supposed to be colder and colder? I thought it was severe weather?

07-08-2008, 12:34 PM
not here, there was no snow in my area until this past february which is very unusual for me, and i remember on christmas it was like 60 degrees outside lol

07-08-2008, 01:32 PM
not here, there was no snow in my area until this past february which is very unusual for me, and i remember on christmas it was like 60 degrees outside lol

there was hardly any snow in the winter for me too lol

07-08-2008, 01:40 PM
we haven't had a white christmas here since 2004 i believe - and it hasn't snowed here until february and it stuck to the ground only twice - i remember cuz it showed a few days after my second term started

before an ice age on the planet, global warming always comes, thats how you know the planet is in danger

07-08-2008, 01:46 PM
I wouldn't say in danger. It is going to happen eventually. It's not like the human race will die out from this. We lived through one before.

07-08-2008, 02:18 PM
yea but barely, about 10,000 years ago i believe - there was another mini-ice age in the 1500s or 1600s which lasted a while

the human race may not die out from this altogether but there could be casualties, especially with the rising sea levels and people living near the coast and a majority of the human population lives near the coast

07-08-2008, 02:57 PM
Global warming is most definitely real. If it isn't, I've done like 10 school reports over nothing.

07-08-2008, 03:00 PM
Did Europe have a year without winter or something? I read about it when I did a report on the ice age.

07-08-2008, 03:02 PM
Did Europe have a year without winter or something? I read about it when I did a report on the ice age.

winter is just a timely season, they go by dates - but a coldless winter is probably true, not sure but i think it was this past winter

it was warm here most winter and we only had 1 day of single digit temperature here in NYC - normal is around 5 or 6 days

07-08-2008, 03:07 PM
winter is just a timely season, they go by dates - but a coldless winter is probably true, not sure but i think it was this past winter

it was warm here most winter and we only had 1 day of single digit temperature here in NYC - normal is around 5 or 6 days

lol, that's what I meant. It wasn't this past winter because I did the report then, unless it happened this winter too. It supposedly didn't snow the whole winter

07-08-2008, 03:09 PM
yea london didn't get any know, not sure about the other parts of Europe - i have family there and my cousin told me this is the first time she saw no snow in the wintertime lol

07-10-2008, 11:59 AM
People make too big of deal on such a little thing.. it's been proven it isn't even heating up that fast

07-10-2008, 02:59 PM
Could somebody please kill Raw! lol It is, just I don't care about it :-P where I live, its 100m above sea level lol muahahaha... lol

07-10-2008, 03:01 PM
Could somebody please kill Raw! lol It is, just I don't care about it :-P where I live, its 100m above sea level lol muahahaha... lol

then when the coasts flood you'll only be about 20 m above sea level and if greenland ice and all the ice in antarctica melts, you'll be about 50 m below sea level...

07-10-2008, 03:40 PM
Nobody in my family thinks GW is real lol

07-10-2008, 06:43 PM
Could somebody please kill Raw! lol It is, just I don't care about it :-P where I live, its 100m above sea level lol muahahaha... lol
I live over 1000m above sea level (http://www.pbase.com/turnstyle/calgary) lol, I don't think the water is gonna reach that high.

And I do believe that a thinning ozone layer should be a major concern. Increased UV rays are causing damage to vegetation, and less vegetation will only mean a reduction in the earth's natural carbon filter . . .

And I know UV rays can't penetrate ice, but can't they penetrate water and cause a warming effect on the earth's oceans? That's something I would be interested in finding out more about.

07-10-2008, 06:48 PM
I live over 1000m above sea level (http://www.pbase.com/turnstyle/calgary) lol, I don't think the water is gonna reach that high.

And I do believe that a thinning ozone layer should be a major concern. Increased UV rays are causing damage to vegetation, and less vegetation will only mean a reduction in the earth's natural carbon filter . . .

And I know UV rays can't penetrate ice, but can't they penetrate water and cause a warming effect on the earth's oceans? That's something I would be interested in finding out more about.

it takes the longest for water to change temperature - the most energy i mean - silver needs the least energy to change temperatures and UV rays can't directly warm the ocean water but they can give it more and more energy through heat to slowly warm it

thats why when you go to the beach the water is like 10-20 degrees cooler than the air temperature and during 10 degree weather in the wintertime, the ocean temperature is about 10-15 degrees warmer because they also lose energy slower than any other substance in the world