View Full Version : Fire At my Building

07-16-2008, 11:05 PM
Two nights ago, at around 2:30 am a car and a pile of garbage caught fire and burned for about 20 minutes before the firefighters took control of it. It was right outside my apartment building and it penetrated through the overhead pass on the sidewalk and actually hit the building a bit. It damaged some property and people on this side of the building from floors 1-4 were evacuated for a while. I live on the 11th so I was out of harms way...well kinda.

I tried to get shots of the Fire but the smoke wouldn't let me. My whole apartment was filled with thick black smoke. We had to close the window and vent out the smoke into the hallway. It wasn't as damaging to us than the people living on the second floor. I know them and their door was ripped open by the firefighters and hosed down a few stuff.

I had to wait for the smoke to clear out before I could get any kind of shot. Here is a pic of the dark night. Firetrucks and the destroyed car in the bottom center. It was lucky the flames never touched the fuel tank otherwise it would have been an ugly site. It was a brand new red shiny car too lol


here is the car in daylight. all other messes were cleared out over night.


Here is another shot with the overhead pass thing on the side walk - they said it caught on fire but i only see a portion of it caught on fire. And also on the right side you see like the pieces of window and the wired cover thing - that's from the second floor, they blew it open from the inside trying to "save" people lol


The car looks purplish, but it was red...dont know if the fire did that or i was seeing stuff.

07-16-2008, 11:09 PM
wow.. scary.. but good thing you guys didnt get hurt

07-16-2008, 11:10 PM
wow.. scary.. but good thing you guys didnt get hurt

no but i was ready to gtfo when the smoke turned from black to white signaling they put the fire out lol

and my dad didn't wanna leave....he didn't even wanna wake up

07-16-2008, 11:11 PM
Allstate can save you money even if you didn't cause the accident. Wait we don't cover that sorry !!!

07-16-2008, 11:44 PM
Oh god...that's kinda funny. Glad you're okay but man...

07-17-2008, 12:09 AM
Oh god...that's kinda funny. Glad you're okay but man...

it was funny, a lot of the tenants just scrammed out of the building and was standing outside, only a few peopel remained - it's a pretty big apartment - about 17 floors with like 12 apartments in each floor

07-17-2008, 12:17 AM
It's all because you were making fun of them firefighters in that picture. You see what happens linux.....

07-17-2008, 12:28 AM
It's all because you were making fun of them firefighters in that picture. You see what happens linux.....

i know, it was very ironic to me

the firefighters also took over 10 mins to get here, their station is like 5 blocks away so its sad...

07-17-2008, 12:11 PM
hey glad your ok
the car looks cool having it burned up
and your right linux it does kinda look purple

07-17-2008, 12:20 PM
hey glad your ok
the car looks cool having it burned up
and your right linux it does kinda look purple

the car is still there and i think it was red, the heat probably changed the color...like the roof, paint is completely melted off there

07-17-2008, 01:16 PM
cool pictures. sad thing that happened. Thank god you weren't injured otherwise my proxy would never have been unblocked!!

07-17-2008, 02:50 PM
cool pictures. sad thing that happened. Thank god you weren't injured otherwise my proxy would never have been unblocked!!

lol, yeah thats true...and im the only one with access to the ip bans lol