View Full Version : Virtual Machinesfor video games

07-25-2008, 03:50 AM
Hi all
from icore software web site:
Try and play video-games without polluting your OS
Video-games installed on your Virtual Computer do not affect performance, privacy, security or anything else on other Computers.

iCore's Virtual Machines supports video games!

What do you think?

07-25-2008, 05:39 PM
could you explain that a little better? what does icore do?

07-25-2008, 05:44 PM
could you explain that a little better? what does icore do?

its like a dedicated server hosted elsewhere, you can log in through your computer and control the stuff on that from your computer - kind of like your own computer hosted elsewhere

not that useful if you ask me...just for gaming? heh...

and they usually make you pay per months - dedicated servers cost a few hundred a month - not sure about this one but i doubt it'll be super cheap - you are better off buying a new hdd or a new computer because it pays for itself and it stays with you much longer..

i also didn't reply earlier because i know he tried to advertise the site.

07-25-2008, 08:11 PM
wow...cant belieave people can make money from doing that.

07-29-2008, 07:51 AM
could you explain that a little better? what does icore do?

iCore software allows you to create multiple virtual machines (iCore Computers) that can be easily created or deleted without affecting each others’ state or the state of the core operating system.

So you can try new games safely. It protect your Operating System and Data from potential damage by malicious software.

Unlike many other virtual machines, iCore Computer works on the OS kernel level. This results in:
* No additional OS licenses requirement
* Almost zero performance overhead
* System hardware is fully utilized (like modern video card, game adapter and alike)

08-01-2008, 11:23 AM
im gonna go with linux on this one lol, and it seems you came on to advertise anyway so its not like anyone's gonna listen to you if you came to sell stuff lol :-P

08-03-2008, 03:47 AM
im gonna go with linux on this one lol, and it seems you came on to advertise anyway so its not like anyone's gonna listen to you if you came to sell stuff lol :-P

It's FREE! =)

08-04-2008, 01:18 AM
Sound as if it would be very laggy.

08-04-2008, 03:48 AM
Sound as if it would be very laggy.

What do you mean?

08-04-2008, 11:43 AM
What do you mean?

it takes time for data to come from one machine to another so if either the user's or the datacenter's upload speed goes below normal, lag will take over - wouldn't be very fun for FPS games - even then you will need a good computer if the game needs high graphics so you can see all the graphics around clearly - the only thing this may help is the RAM load unless the virtual machine software itself demands RAM based on how much it's using at its own machine

08-05-2008, 01:43 AM
it takes time for data to come from one machine to another so if either the user's or the datacenter's upload speed goes below normal, lag will take over - wouldn't be very fun for FPS games - even then you will need a good computer if the game needs high graphics so you can see all the graphics around clearly - the only thing this may help is the RAM load unless the virtual machine software itself demands RAM based on how much it's using at its own machine

iCore Virtualization doesn't require a hypervisor. Having no hypervisor eliminates the need for driver emulation. Getting rid of driver emulation means faster performance.

iCore virtual computers work as fast as real computer.

09-13-2008, 08:06 AM
wow total noob alert you dont come on to this site just to advertise