View Full Version : H4cked Experiences

07-28-2008, 09:39 PM
Have you ever been hacked on...anything? Runescape/WoW/Myspace/etc.

If so, what happend?

I ask this because personally, i have never experienced it, but, my friend just yelled at me because someone hacked her FaceBook and put "Playing with my....you know what" everywhere...and my immaturity level hit the freaking roof and i could not stop laughing :radar:, but...seems like she did not get the humor in it and got really pissed off at me.

Any experiences with the Haxors?

07-28-2008, 09:46 PM
Have you ever been hacked on...anything? Runescape/WoW/Myspace/etc.

If so, what happend?

I ask this because personally, i have never experienced it, but, my friend just yelled at me because someone hacked her FaceBook and put "Playing with my....you know what" everywhere...and my immaturity level hit the freaking roof and i could not stop laughing :radar:, but...seems like she did not get the humor in it and got really pissed off at me.

Any experiences with the Haxors?

:laugh:, I would of as well. never been hacked just been through a ton of viruses and trojans

07-28-2008, 11:11 PM
i've never been hacked in any way...i know how to protect my stuff and as for any of my web sites - no one has come close to hacking my site

some hacker though got through the server firewall in january and wiped the disk - we got back up and lost about a 167 user accounts - i restored all the active ones perfectly - and that time, the guy could have never made it into the server through me, someone else left it vulnerable in another way

but other than that...no hacked experience for me

07-28-2008, 11:39 PM
I have never been hacking my self. When I sign up for things, the password is almost impossible to guess. It's just something I can remember easily. My old password was a city in china. As for someone hacking my computer, it normally never happens. It's not often that people hack into personal computers, considering it's almost impossible. For someone to hack my computer, they would have to get through a proxy and 2 firewalls.

i've never been hacked in any way...i know how to protect my stuff and as for any of my web sites - no one has come close to hacking my site

some hacker though got through the server firewall in january and wiped the disk - we got back up and lost about a 167 user accounts - i restored all the active ones perfectly - and that time, the guy could have never made it into the server through me, someone else left it vulnerable in another way

but other than that...no hacked experience for me

You should store back up files on your computer. Then just update them once a week. I could probably learn how to hack websites if I truly wanted to. I know java script, c, html, mysql, vB and the basic's of c++. I may stop with c++ for awhile and learn pearl, I hear that it's not hard to learn.

07-29-2008, 12:25 AM
I have never been hacking my self. When I sign up for things, the password is almost impossible to guess. It's just something I can remember easily. My old password was a city in china. As for someone hacking my computer, it normally never happens. It's not often that people hack into personal computers, considering it's almost impossible. For someone to hack my computer, they would have to get through a proxy and 2 firewalls.

You should store back up files on your computer. Then just update them once a week. I could probably learn how to hack websites if I truly wanted to. I know java script, c, html, mysql, vB and the basic's of c++. I may stop with c++ for awhile and learn pearl, I hear that it's not hard to learn.

i have daily backups - the users table in the database was just corrupted, i didn't notice until it was too late - so in every back up now, i check to see the posts, threads, and users database table and make sure they are full and not corrupted - and I did restore all accounts with their posts so it wasn't a huge deal. Those active accounts that is.

07-29-2008, 12:42 AM
If someone steals your passwords, it's not really considered hacking.
hacking is when you go into BIOS
when you hack your way trough Security systems on computers
leaked passwords is not hacking at all
that's just...leaked password.
now that nerd time with riku is over.......

some friends managed to guess my password for alot of social networking sites.
i should use more passwords.

07-29-2008, 07:47 AM
Never been hacked, but I've had my accounts stolen.

Someone got my password somehow and they got rid of my pets and started transferring my money as I was on my account.
That was fun, lol.

07-29-2008, 12:52 PM
nope, never been hacked or have an account lost before :-P

07-29-2008, 03:32 PM
I ran into a hacker on SOCOM FTB2 they are annoying

07-30-2008, 05:17 AM
I haven't been hacked. But I was on a forum that was. They deleted a load of member accounts and all the threads but I guess they couldn't do nothing to the admin because he was never banned so he came onto the forum and banned the bas****

07-30-2008, 08:01 AM
I have been hacked on both Runescape and Wow and i was gutted!

i mean on runescape i was lvl 101 and wow 66 and well u see why i was gutted?

the worst thing is after a bit i realised my m8 was starting to try and avoid me and one day, i went into his house and there he was on WoW on my lvl 66 account and on a piece of paper next to him my usernames and passwords on runescape and wow! ...................

So i hit him :-P

07-30-2008, 10:17 AM
yeah I haven't really been hacked before just had my password's guessed and changed.

once I had a screen name ( aim ) and somehow they hacked my screen name and started talking to everyone on my buddylist but I just deleted all my screen names I had on that screen name and then eventually they got off i still have that account but they never went on it again.