View Full Version : Any Drummers out There?

07-29-2008, 12:32 PM
does anyone here play the drums? I have been playing for about a year and a half now, I don't really own my own set right now tho.. I am hoping to get a Pearl set for Christmas tho :D

07-29-2008, 12:46 PM
I've been playing drums for years - started at the age of 12 - i haven't played with any band for a few years and i don't have my own set - used to practice at school - usually stay after school with my band and practice random stuff - was fun - the hardest and the most fun instrument out there :D

07-31-2008, 04:36 PM
I've always wanted to learn how to play the drums.
I don't have the coordination to do it, lol.

07-31-2008, 07:43 PM
I've always wanted to learn how to play the drums.
I don't have the coordination to do it, lol.

the first time i played the drums, i was able to do two things with both hands and then slowly learned to control both feet to do individual beats lol - you can work on it and with enough practice you will get it right cuz I couldn't play the bass drum straight with my right leg for the first month or so - i practiced for hours to get it right...

i need a drum set but they are so dam loud...not good for an apartment lol

07-31-2008, 08:18 PM
Rock Band's taught me well.
I'm able to play some basic songs.
But i'm much to cheap to play real drums.

07-31-2008, 08:40 PM
haha Rock band is just a game not talking to you inperticular bt most people think that if they can play good on rock band drums them they asume that they can do good on real drums, not so ;)

07-31-2008, 08:44 PM
Rock Band's taught me well.
I'm able to play some basic songs.
But i'm much to cheap to play real drums.

you can't really compare that to the real thing, trust me cuz if that was the case i could play the guitar much better than I do at the moment lol

and the real drum sets tend to have more drums - i think rock band has just 4 of them? and also you have to worry about the different size cymbals and high-hat along with the tom-toms and the snare drums and all the others lol, and i know rock band doesn' have them all

07-31-2008, 08:47 PM
you can't really compare that to the real thing, trust me cuz if that was the case i could play the guitar much better than I do at the moment lol

and the real drum sets tend to have more drums - i think rock band has just 4 of them? and also you have to worry about the different size cymbals and high-hat along with the tom-toms and the snare drums and all the others lol, and i know rock band doesn' have them all

yeah, plus you have to know WHERE on the cymbol you want to hit, like hitting the bell makes a ping noise (on a ride) and hitting the rim makes a rippling sound :yes:

07-31-2008, 08:49 PM
yeah, plus you have to know WHERE on the cymbol you want to hit, like hitting the bell makes a ping noise (on a ride) and hitting the rim makes a rippling sound :yes:

oh yeah, definitely lol - also the intensity of your hits differ than in games, you just have to get the hit right in game, where in real life, you have to get it right in terms of hitting the right drum and hitting it with the right intensity

cuz if you hit the cymbal harder than everything else and you have to hit the cymbal more often than the others, it'll just drown out the other sounds..

07-31-2008, 08:52 PM
oh btw Linux, can you read drum sheet music?

07-31-2008, 08:54 PM
oh btw Linux, can you read drum sheet music?

yeah, i haven't had to for a while but yeah..i had to learn lol - my memory may be a big shoddy but i had to read it for the military beats and stuff i had to do in junior high for events and whatnot...

07-31-2008, 08:57 PM
lol I am self tought except for a Drums for dummies book my mom got me for christmas :laugh: it had stuff about reading sheet music in it but I didn't bother to learn :-P

07-31-2008, 09:02 PM
lol I am self tought except for a Drums for dummies book my mom got me for christmas :laugh: it had stuff about reading sheet music in it but I didn't bother to learn :-P

lol. i learned by listening to music and going on with the beat - it helps a LOT, you should try that as well - listen to music where you can hear the drums and just play along - slowly you'll pick up what beats go with what music and etc. Don't really need books if you can work with all four limbs properly.

07-31-2008, 09:05 PM
yeah ik I sorta glanced over it once and never picked it up again... I actually could play a simple beat with the bass pedal in the second time I played the drums the first time I only played for a half hour and same for the second.

07-31-2008, 09:14 PM
simple beats - do the rock and roll beat

4 beats

right hand - hit the high hat every beat - 4 times - 1...2...3...4.
left hand, hit snare drum on third beat - ,...,...3...,
Right Foot - hit bass pedal on 1st beat first then 4th and 1st beat second and continue - so its like 1...,...,...4...1...,...,...,...1...,...,...4...1
left feet, hit high hat pedal on third beta - follow left hand

just simple steps lol :D just in case you didn't know the rock and roll beat - the above steps are better than music sheets!!!

07-31-2008, 09:16 PM
bu...but.... im left handed lol oh btw do you think I can get scholarship for that? lol I heard someone saying you could...

07-31-2008, 09:21 PM
bu...but.... im left handed lol oh btw do you think I can get scholarship for that? lol I heard someone saying you could...

yea, usually the bands at some colleges they will offer some forms of scholarships but those are usually try out scholarships, you have to impress them one way or another with your talents lol, i can't give you more info on that cuz i never looked it up

and i tried playing drums left handed once, i sucked lol - i play faster beats with my right hand so i naturally just play the faster beats and it sounds bad cuz its all off lol

07-31-2008, 09:23 PM
lol yeah I leave the hi-hat where it is and everything... I play just like a normal right-handed drummer but I just don't cross my arms when playing the hi-hat and snair lol I just scrunch my right elbow a bit xP

07-31-2008, 09:26 PM
lol yeah I leave the hi-hat where it is and everything... I play just like a normal right-handed drummer but I just don't cross my arms when playing the hi-hat and snair lol I just scrunch my right elbow a bit xP

oh cool..i cross my arms for a lot of things lol, and usually 90% of the time i hit the cymbal with my right arm no matter where they are located

i wouldn't really know how to play the high-hat plus the snare drum if i didn't cross the arms lol

07-31-2008, 09:29 PM
haha just keep them at a 90 degree angle from your body lol oh and do you have anything else you do to keep beat other then the bass pedal? I have a embarassing habbit of bouncing on the seat a bit when I play you can't tell unless I told you. ;:-(

07-31-2008, 09:48 PM
haha just keep them at a 90 degree angle from your body lol oh and do you have anything else you do to keep beat other then the bass pedal? I have a embarassing habbit of bouncing on the seat a bit when I play you can't tell unless I told you. ;:-(

i count the beats - helps, and if i lose count i just go with the bass to keep on track

and also i like playing with bass guitar players, my bass drum usually coincides with the bass guitar so if i lose track i stop for half a second, listen to the bass and then carry on