View Full Version : Most Realistic Movie?

08-02-2008, 11:21 PM
What is your pick for most realistic movie? Now, 'realism' can refer to several things in this situation. It could be the movie's entirety, specifically the dialogue, its historical accuracy, etc.

Well first I'd say United 93, we may not know exactly what happened on that plane, but from the evidence it seems to be pretty accurate.

Hm, oh. Also, secondly, a movie that is really accurate with its historical referencing is the Band of Brothers mini-series. It has been specified that most of what is shown actually happened, from dialogue among characters to the battle scense and their involvement.

So, which movie(s) do you think are the most realistic thus far?

08-03-2008, 01:29 AM
Wow I'm glad you put effort into your post..... Look what I found

What is your pick for most realistic movie? Now, 'realism' can refer to several things in this situation. It could be the movie's entirety, specifically the dialogue, its historical accuracy, etc.

For me, I'd say Superbad for most factors. Its dialogue and situations are spot on. Evan's character really reminded me of myself and the social interactions were perfect with the off-topic talk and the little things; such as when Seth and Evan are taking about clothes to wear to the party, Evan interrupts in discussion about the video game he is playing. I think he says something like, "what's the point if you can't even win?". One of my favorite movies by the way.

Hm, oh. Also, secondly, a movie that is really accurate with its historical referencing is the Band of Brothers mini-series. It has been specified that most of what is shown actually happened, from dialogue among characters to the battle scense and their involvement.

So, which movie(s) do you think are the most realistic thus far?

United 93, we may not know exactly what happened on that plane, but from the evidence it seems to be pretty accurate.

Most Realistic Movie? - Xbox 360 & Xbox Forums (http://forum.teamxbox.com/showthread.php?t=589058)

08-03-2008, 09:16 PM
What is this with you copying other people's posts?
There's several threads like this.

08-03-2008, 09:19 PM
i know you wanna be one of the top 5 posters of the month but please stop copying and pasting materials from other places, goes for your regular threads and game reviews

08-07-2008, 12:32 PM
Maybe Scott has an account on that site and is posting them on both forums?

Anyways...I think...uhm.

I haven't a clue. Not many movies that I've seen are realistic. They're either way overblown, or sci-fi/fantasy

08-07-2008, 12:39 PM
Maybe Scott has an account on that site and is posting them on both forums?

Anyways...I think...uhm.

I haven't a clue. Not many movies that I've seen are realistic. They're either way overblown, or sci-fi/fantasy

I have already thought of that and ruled it out. The post are coming from multiple accounts, so he much have like 6 of them.