View Full Version : RPG - Darkness Legends

08-03-2008, 10:27 AM
Aeons ago, in a Dark Temple named Dasion, there was a Dark Wizard named Darkrion that was crazed for power. Darkrion stole his tutors spell book and mysterious orb fleeing the city without a trace. Darkrion soon arrived at the Great Shrine of Immortal Darkness. Darkrion took out the stolen orb and carefully placed it ont the shrine. Opening the book Darkrion chanted: "All powers trapped inside me release and full-fill your revenge toward the slaughterers of you kind." "Now... let darkness reign and realease your pain!" The earth shook as a shadowy figure emerged from the orb. "DANADORE young wizard... you are useless to me..." the figure grabbed Darkrion and ripped his body in half. "RISE MY BRETHREN! IT'S TIME FOR OUR REVENGE!"

Soon that week, cities all around the land of Rasleon were mysteriously dissapearing. Chaos started in the one peacful land of Rasleon. Now the wars are starting among all Races in Rasleon. And someone msut stop the Chaos.



Daina - Godess of Nature. Defends Nature as an archer. Daina talk to her people and protects everyone intwined with Nature.

Dante - God of Nature. Attacks Nature Defilers and chooses the weather. His Archery skills are better than Daina.

Seath - God of Fire. Grants the magic of Fire to all worthy mages. Seath is weak to water.

Dominius - God of Wealth. Grants his followers with gold, wine, and pleasure.

Travincal - God of Darkness. Leads his followers to obey the Dark Legends. Travincal's weakness is Light.

Tyrina - Godess of Darkness. Tyrina loves Travincal and his teachings. Tyrina is also weak against Light.

Uther - God of Light and Justice. Gives his followers justice and fights with his maul in the name of light.

Balandar - God of War. He is brutal with weapons and slaughters his enemies. He controls all wars except for the Chaos War.

Zodi - God of Technology. Founder of Gun Powder. Zodi hates non-tech users. He is a specialist with guns. He carries a golden rifle.

Zuchi - God of Trolls. Serves his trolls with respect and great hunting skills. Zuchi is a Voodoo Hunter.

Deatheroc - God of Death. Aquainted with Travincal and Tyrina. Has the power to kill almost anyone.

Daste - God of Ice and Water. Daste is considered the meanest god because he freezes anyone who even slightly annoys him.



Nature Elves - The Nature Elves kingdom lay mostly in the Island of Trees known as Landenleaf. Nature Elves are known for their Archers and Amazons.
THe Nature Elves worship Daina & Dante, the gods of Nature. They blame the Chaos War on the Humans because Daina sent them messages telling them that when the Chaos war occured creatures called Diands started appearing and started Eliminating Forests that soon became Human Cities.

High Elves - A cross between Humans and Elves. The High Elves live in Human cities and in Kalindar, a Island Kingdom inhabited by High Elves, Dwarves, and Humans. High Elves are know for their mages and archers. High Elves worship Seath, the god of Fire, and Dominus, the god of wealth. The High Elves blame the Chaos War on the Cultists and Undead because of the Dark Traces left behind in destroyed cities.

Dark Elves - The Outkasts of Nature Elves after creating Lumbermills and cutting down trees for buildings. The Dark Elves live fairly close to Dasion, the Great Dark Temple and the Undead. The Dark Elves worship the Gods of Darkness Travincal and Tyrina. The Dark Elves blame Nature Elves for the Chaos War because they could barely hold out when the Forest was burning.

Humans - The supreme race of Rasleon. The Humans founded all civilzation. They are known for technology and warriors. Humans worship Uther the God of Light and Justice. Humans inhabit Kalindor and Talos the two major cities of Rasleon. THe humans don't blame the Chaos War because they own the Book of Lore which contains the Thruth.

Forge Dwarves - Forge Dwarves are the very first Race of Dwarves in Rasleon. They Outkasted the the techno-Dwarves when they tried to make technology the way of war. Forge Dwarves worship Uther and Balandar, the God of War. THe Dwarves live in Kalindor and Talos. Forge Dwarves suspect the humans cause the Chaos War but do not create much pity.

Techno Dwarves - The Outkasts of the Forge Dwarves because of their teachings of technology such as guns, canons, gyrocoptors, and tanks. Techno-Dwarves worship Uther and Zodi, God of Technology. Techno-Dwarves live in Southern Talos. The Techno Dwarves ignore the Chaos war so do not blame anyone.

War Orcs - These Brutal warriors use axes to slaughter their enemy and eat their flesh. They Worship Balandar. War Orcs are known for their Beserkers and War Tactics. War Orcs blame everyone except for Orcs and Trolls for the Chaos War for not being able to defend themselves.

Blood Orcs - BLood Orcs are exactly the same except they are 5x Worse than the War Orcs. The Disembody their victims and also use Battle Rhino's. Their Only weakness is their TERRIFIED of water magic.

Forest Trolls - Forest Trolls live on the outskirts of Landenleaf. THey are know for their Hunters and Stealth. They worship Daina & Dante and Zuchi the god of Trolls. Trolls blame mages for the Chaos War because the are intwined with dark magic.

Jungle Trolls - Da Jungle Trolls have der own accent. Dey live in da Kurast Jungle. Der known fer der Voodooists and Assassins. Dey fite wit der spears and Voodoo Magic. Der Gods are Zuchi, Daina, and Dante. Dey blame da Dark Elves fer da Chaos War fer der weakness to survive.

Ice Trolls - Ice Trolls inhabit Frostane the Iceland. The Ice Trolls are know for their Hunters and Ice Voodooism. They worhsip Zuchi and Daste the God of Ice. The Ice Trolls use voodooism to freeze then kill their enemy. Ice Trolls blame evryone that uses fire magic for the Chaos War because of hatred for fire.

Cultists - Cultists are Humans who follow the Undead Religion. Most Cultists are Necromancers which is their primary class. Cultists worship Travincal, Tyrina, and Deatheroc, the God of Death. Cultists live in and around Dasion but no other place. Cultists say they caused the Chaos War.

Undead - Undead inhabit Dasion and everywhere unhabited in small areas. THe undead are not known for anything except plauging everywhere they go.


Name: (anything you want)
Race: (anyone from Rasleon Lore)
Class: (anything that relates to your Race)
Age: (anything you want)
History: (something about family and accomplishments)
Pets: (if they have any)
Appearance: (anything you want)
Weapon: (Depends on Class)

If your typing some thing off-topic in the RP type OT: Before Typing.
Characters must be approved before playing the RP.



The Chaos War also means "War of Rasleon". When whe Dark Legends were realeased the started mysteriously destroying cities for power. Once they gained enough power they spreas out through Raselon and waited for Chaos. Soon races began to blame races for the cause of missing cities. The war soon spread through Rasleon. Now ther Dark Legends sit upon their thrones laughing at the world.
Places of Raselon:

Kerrondum was a great dwarven city built by the forge dwarves long before the techno dwarves built their city.Kerrondum was heavily fortified because its at the edge of Atacia,near Dasion.

The Undead often attack the city,but the dwarves can drive them back to plagueland.The city walls were protected by the catapults in the city,and the skilled dwarven axe throwers.

Near the beginning of the Chaos War,Kerrondum was attacked by a huge undead force.The city was destoryed,now held by the undead.All the remained forge dwarves fled to Kalindor and Talos.

Atacia - northern region of Raelson


Held by the orcs,Smielmmor is one of the largest city on Raelson.Being the only city of the orcs,Smielmmor was heavily guarded by war orcs,blood orcs even forest trolls.The city was build by the first warchief of the orcs,Otra'thul.Smielmmor was the name of his wife,who was killed by the men.

Smielmmor was divided in to six districts:The Great Hall of Cheiftains,Trading District,Warriors District,Shamans District,The Houses of Blood,The Forest of Honour.In the great hall of chieftains,were the statues of many great chieftains,they were honoured by the ancestors.Trading District was for the traders all around Raelson,to trade their goods.Warriors District is for the war orcs who lived in the city,there are weapon shops,armor shops...etc.Shamans District,even though most of the war orcs doesnt know how to use magic,but some of them could use the power of nature,they were shamans,Shamans District was opened only for these people.The Houses of Blood was for the blood orcs lived in the city,it got everything they need.The Forest of Honour is for the forest trolls who lived in the city,because of more troll immigrates cames,the great chieftain of the time decided to open a district for all trolls.

Burning Empire

After the failure to conquer Azeroth,the burning legion set out their last legion to Raelson.The commander of legion,Imi'don encountered the chaos legion on their way to Raelson.A great battle between the two legions began.Imi'don was slain in the battle,the remaining forces of the legion fled to Raelson,but an another continent,the continent of Drosara.(Later it became Doomsara)

The legion started to developed on Drosara.After many years of developing,they built up an empire.Even though they are strong enough to conquer Raelson,but their old enemy,the Chaos Legion was returned..


i have had expeirence in makin RolePlays A LOT lately so i had a new idea.

Dark Legends will start easily by creating your character. Create his name, appearance, 3 Weak Moves (to start out), and what town you start in (i will soon tell you the towns). Heres and example based of of the first boss.

Name - Caldan
Spec. - Cultist Necromancer
Appearance --- A skull head with a Grim Reaper-like hood. he wears no clothes on top so you can see his ribbs and boney arms. ON his leg-wear he wears baggy black sweat pants-like Pants. His Eyes are glowing red and his weapon is a sycthe/staff.

Skills -
Dark Watch - seeks through your body allowing him to counter-attack you swiftly.

Skeleton Summon - Summons 3 Skeleton minions to use by his side.

Slaughter Fest - ULT. MOVE - The Dark wizard makes the room go PITCH BLACK and start shooting FIREBALLS and doing a whirlwind motion in the room.

Weapons to start out with ---
Short Sword
Short Bow
Short Javelin

Places to start out in ---
Kandarr - The Barbarian City on the outsirts of the Danger Plain.
Raspean - The Archer City that oddly is always midnight. Located outside of the Possessed Land.
Tandeon - The Holy City. Comers of all Light seekers. (Tutorial-City (Easy) but slow leveling)


Create Your Character Specificly for this Thread HERE please and have fun!!!



08-04-2008, 08:34 PM
WAY too in-depth for such a simple-minded RPG section. Make your own board or something for that.

08-04-2008, 09:38 PM
i doubt LiNuX will let me

08-05-2008, 09:51 AM
I think he meant like your own forum.

08-05-2008, 10:13 AM
oh... ok? kinda weird but ok

08-05-2008, 12:49 PM
oh... ok? kinda weird but ok

Why is that weird? I've made RPG forums before, they're a lot of fun. I'm working on one right now.

08-05-2008, 07:11 PM
i guess ill try... itll just feel awkward

08-05-2008, 08:46 PM
i guess ill try... itll just feel awkward

You don't have to, lol.
He was just making a suggestion.

08-08-2008, 03:40 PM
well i am and did. DarknessLegends.Darkbb.com =]

08-08-2008, 04:10 PM
My banner looks amazing on there :]
lol, I'm kidding.

08-08-2008, 04:18 PM
you donbt like your banner on there?

08-08-2008, 08:00 PM
you donbt like your banner on there?

No, I do.
I was just joking around.

08-08-2008, 08:27 PM
oh lol i think it goes good w/ the layout (other than colors)

08-15-2008, 07:05 PM
I don't like the background around the forum and the templates, make it better then I will come to your forum. Actually it might be hard to help you with the RPG game since it's take a lot of work. :P

09-15-2008, 11:38 AM
you donbt like your banner on there?