View Full Version : Help Me Im Embarassed!

08-08-2008, 08:41 PM
Ok i just recently moved in with my Mom (im 13) and she signed me up for school, but, i also asked her to sign me up for basketball.

I REALLY wanna try basketball i understand how to shoot make points blah blah blah. But i dont no any postions, any terms, or anything that a kid that plays basketball every year would know. So when i go into a NEW school, try out a sport that EVERYONE knows how to play, ill be the retarded kid sitting on the bench :'( im REALLY gonna feel embarassed... any1 here good at basketball or know any terms or anything that can help me out. School starts on the 19th but i dont know when b-ball starts, i dont wanna be embarassed. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

08-08-2008, 08:48 PM
If you don't know much the coaches will teach you then it'll be up to you how dedicated you to learn the defensive/offensive plays.

08-08-2008, 08:50 PM
you're still young, the point of a school basketball team is to learn...

if you are really tall, you'll probably play center..the guy that usually doesn't move around much, stays near the basket and does layups and dunks lol - thats lesson 1 for today

don't worry, slowly you'll pick it up - I was the same when I was younger - i just wanted to play cuz i wanted to play, didn't care what position or care about plays - in time you learn

08-08-2008, 08:50 PM
I would suggest googling a little bit. I used to go to a basketball camp but right now I can't really remember anything, especially with a lot of stuff going through my mind.

But yeah, google some stuff, get a basic idea, and then you should be ok from there on with the help of your coach.

08-08-2008, 08:56 PM
how tall are you OP?

08-08-2008, 09:07 PM
im 5'sumthing (not very tall) but i heard from ALOT of people that the coaches at this school are pricks.

08-08-2008, 09:09 PM
im 5'sumthing (not very tall) but i heard from ALOT of people that the coaches at this school are pricks.

haha....my high school coaches were pretty good - i got along with all of them even though i was just on the football team for a while...wanted to try baseball but my job interfered and our basketball team sucked butt so i never tried

so now backing up yetcha...google stuff lol - you'll get more help from their results than coaches if they are that bad

08-08-2008, 09:15 PM
im googling right now. thx for the support guys :Z

08-08-2008, 09:21 PM
learn to box out and get into position for rebounds and won't matter if you don't know what your doing coaches will play you in a ton of minutes for rebound purposes..ala Ben Wallace.

08-08-2008, 10:56 PM
I'm 13 also, and is this what you worry about? Kids making fun of you because you don't know the positions or terms?
Well, if you ask me, [sorry about this LiNuX], Those kids are just B**ches that aren't even worth half a S***.
I'm not really a sports guy, all I do is Shot put, but I know that If you can play basketball, who cares? Most people on the team will help you, even if they don't look like it. HAd to play basketball during Track with all the jocks, and (most) of them told me what some things mean and where to go) The coach is the guy who teaches you all the terms and positions. If you don't understand a term, just Google it or ask your coach when everyone else leaves (IF you don't wanna be embarrassed)
Sorry if I tips didn't help you. I'm embarrassed about 1/2 my life and don't give a...crap...

08-08-2008, 10:59 PM
I'm 13 also, and is this what you worry about? Kids making fun of you because you don't know the positions or terms?
Well, if you ask me, [sorry about this LiNuX], Those kids are just B**ches that aren't even worth half a S***.
I'm not really a sports guy, all I do is Shot put, but I know that If you can play basketball, who cares? Most people on the team will help you, even if they don't look like it. HAd to play basketball during Track with all the jocks, and (most) of them told me what some things mean and where to go) The coach is the guy who teaches you all the terms and positions. If you don't understand a term, just Google it or ask your coach when everyone else leaves (IF you don't wanna be embarrassed)
Sorry if I tips didn't help you. I'm embarrassed about 1/2 my life and don't give a...crap...

the only thing that caught my eye is "sorry linux"

i accept your apology about nothing

lol...we all have embarrassing moments, wouldn't be human if we didnt..george bush is king of that and he doesn't worry lol, you sho uldn't either

08-09-2008, 10:47 AM
That's what joining a team is for. I joined soccer in 10th grade because I wanted to play it. I had no clue about anything, I just stood next to the goal and kicked it when it came near.

The other kids helped me out. Being on a team, everyone wants to help each other get better. Don't worry about it, just join.

08-09-2008, 11:18 AM
I'm 13 also, and is this what you worry about? Kids making fun of you because you don't know the positions or terms?
Well, if you ask me, [sorry about this LiNuX], Those kids are just B**ches that aren't even worth half a S***.
I'm not really a sports guy, all I do is Shot put, but I know that If you can play basketball, who cares? Most people on the team will help you, even if they don't look like it. HAd to play basketball during Track with all the jocks, and (most) of them told me what some things mean and where to go) The coach is the guy who teaches you all the terms and positions. If you don't understand a term, just Google it or ask your coach when everyone else leaves (IF you don't wanna be embarrassed)
Sorry if I tips didn't help you. I'm embarrassed about 1/2 my life and don't give a...crap...

yea i agree with every bit of that... but the thing is im a NEW kid... im gonna try buti just hope nobody gives me sh|t cause i will get pissed very easy:radar::eek1: