View Full Version : Review Stronghold 2

08-29-2008, 09:55 PM
http://www.gamers-forum.com/imagehosting/142648b89fe1db323.jpgStronghold 2 is an older game, but being older dosn't mean it's not a good game. In Stronghold 2 you take the place of a king. Then as the king you control a settlement which you then make it grow and prosper. Also you have to defend it and keep your pesents happy. Fist of, to keep your pesents happy you have to keep gong (poop) under control. Since there are no toilets in the medieval times so they just let their crap layin around. This is were you come in. you are to place a gond pit were someone takes care of it for you. Along with the gong there are many other things you have to take care of. Like food, rats, and crime, which I won't go into.http://www.gamers-forum.com/imagehosting/142648b8a3e1dc300.jpg Along with keeping them from getting mad, you also have to make them happy with church, beer, more food, and lower taxes. Each one requires a diffrent worker. Church a candel maker. Beer, brewery and a hopps farm. The more food and lower taxes you can just adjust at the granery and the treasury. Now on to the fighting. The fighting style is diffrent. In this game you create single units. Not a whole hord. You can creat regular units like knights and pikemen, but you can also create mercanys which are specilized and only cost money. Int eh game all you really need to do is select the units and send them to attack. It's pretty simple. http://www.gamers-forum.com/imagehosting/142648b89fe14beb2.jpgThere is also, the campaign. There are two diffrent types of campaigns, one is peacefull with less fighting, and one is based on fighting. Each one has a diffrent storyline. In the campaigns you either try to conquer a continent or try to become a king. Fianlly the diffrent types of gameplay. In free play you can take the peacefull path were you fight in your own time and there is the war path were you try to take over all the land. In the war path you can choose to do a historical battle in an actual castel. It's kind of like a scenario. You can also do kingmaker which is kind of like just a free for all.http://www.gamers-forum.com/imagehosting/142648b89fe1ee7ac.jpg
Now for my ratings.
Gameplay: 8/10 I really liked it. It lacks a bit of instruction but once you get it, it's a lot easier.
Campaign: 6/10: I think the campagns are a little too hard. They could also use some improvement on the story.
Graphics: 7/10: From zoomed out they look pretty good but once you get closer they are just o.k.
Overall: 8/10: Personally, I relly liked it. Also I heard that the new one isn't as good. They just need to work on a turtorial.

08-29-2008, 10:08 PM
Good review!
I thought it was an ok, nothing amazing, but good game.

08-30-2008, 03:24 AM
Nice Review, I remember this game it was Decent.

05-16-2010, 08:26 PM
I did not like the game, the first stronghold was all about the combat, all the economics was to better your chances in combat, better walls, more troops, better troops, more money for troops, make people happy to make money. I think this game focused far too much on the economics and less on grand medieval combat and thereby suffered

05-17-2010, 08:34 AM
I had this game, nothing that's gonna overshadow other games as Samus said, but it was really fun