View Full Version : Got a Phone!I d

09-17-2008, 07:19 PM
Dunno if this is Post Anything material, so I thought I should post it here.
So yesterday was my 14th Birthday, and for it, I got my first cell phone!
I went to the store, and picked out the Verizon Glyde.
So far I love it, I can text because of the keyboard (Not very good with the 9 number texting or whatever) and I have a touch screen.

It didn't come with very good wallpapers, and I didn't like the ones Phonezoo had for my phone, so I made my own.

So I guess what I am wondering if people have heard good/bad things about the Glyde, and what you guys think of my wallpaper.

09-17-2008, 07:40 PM
The wall paper looks sweet, but my friend has a glyde and hit quit working. The screen messed up when you slide it down, then it just went white. He got a new one for free, because of the warranty. That's the only bad think I heard about it. It's nice for texting, a lot easier to use.

09-17-2008, 09:36 PM
1. Happy Birthday :D didn't know because you chose it to show just your age :)
2. And cool...i got my first phone when i was like 11 or 12...and i wasn't even allowed to take it to school. Then went through the first half of high school wthout one and got another afterwords..

don't run up the bill!!! My younger sister did that a few times, lost her phone lol...she'll probably get another by the time christmas comes around

stay within your limits is what im saying, thats what i do and so far, works great

09-17-2008, 09:42 PM
Lucky me, my phone stops working when I exceed texting... Well, I can still call, but can't text. What a dumb rule huh?

09-17-2008, 09:53 PM
Lucky me, my phone stops working when I exceed texting... Well, I can still call, but can't text. What a dumb rule huh?

what company? is it the t-mobile allowance thing?

09-17-2008, 10:07 PM
what company? is it the t-mobile allowance thing?

I use alltel, but someone online I know is a good coder and made it. My mom was going to take my phone away, so I found away to solve it. I'm not sure if Alltel has it or not. This one works fine though, it also tells me how many I have left. He's a good friend to have.

09-18-2008, 08:51 AM
Nice wallpaper. Im getting a new phone soon. Mine won't charge anymore, so gonna look into a new one

09-19-2008, 07:08 AM
1) cool wallpaper, very eye candy.

2) D: I don't have a phone yet. I have to buy it myself and since i'm not into much texting and crap and wouldn't use it besides making plans/emergencies I figured it's not worth spending money on right now.

09-19-2008, 04:31 PM
Your phone is awesomesauce, Sammeh. XD
Mine sucks, as you know. >_>; Lol.
Can't wait until May, I get teh Alltel Scoop! WOOT!
I will have a keyboard, just like you! Mwuhaha. .__.'

Oh! And your wallpaper is awesooommeee!