View Full Version : FedEx = Horrible

09-20-2008, 07:23 PM
My dad ordered this piece of luggage from eBay about a week ago. A good seller and he has dealt with the seller before (I was told) and it all went great. But this time, the seller shipped via FedEx because it was luggage and it was a bigger package.

Well...my dad tracked the package last night and it said the package was delivered to someone named E.Giovanni. I know most of you don't know my name, but it is not Giovanni. The guy's signature was there too. The FedEx guy that delivered can't say where he delivered properly, he just remembers getting the signature and leaving the luggage off to the person's hand.

So now my dad is dealing with FedEx and the seller to get things sorted out. I am not a huge FedEx fan - i usually use USPS or UPS for shipping (both receiving and sending) and I have never had an issue with those.

FedEx = horrible in my books now. The luggage cost like $50...it was a set I believe. And now my dad has a headache over this.

I don't get how the FedEx guy would mess up an address...and why would the other person sign for it. My dad could sue FedEx and the E.Giovanni character that signed for it could get a huge fine because it is illegal to take someone else's mail and this was a type of mail.

Stupid FedEx.

09-20-2008, 07:29 PM
I don't get how the FedEx guy would mess up an address...and why would the other person sign for it

1. that sucks
2. lol at incompetent worker
3. the other dude signed for 1 reason, seeing it cost your dad 50 it was probably a 150+ luggage= it most likely looked good and seeing barely anyone have morals anymore dude was thinking "hey free **** for me, it's ma birfday or watz?"

09-20-2008, 07:37 PM
That really suck but it happens hope he got a refund.... I don't know your name :(

09-20-2008, 08:11 PM
That really suck but it happens hope he got a refund.... I don't know your name :(

you dont have to know my name :)

1. that sucks
2. lol at incompetent worker
3. the other dude signed for 1 reason, seeing it cost your dad 50 it was probably a 150+ luggage= it most likely looked good and seeing barely anyone have morals anymore dude was thinking "hey free **** for me, it's ma birfday or watz?"

if the incompetent worker can actually come by and tell us WHERE he delivered it and TO WHOM we may be able to get the luggage back, otherwise fedex is seeing a law suit and seeing my dad has been working at a law firm for years, it won't be too hard for him to get the resources

09-20-2008, 08:23 PM
yeah but is it really worth the time and effort to get that under way, over a 50 dollar item no less, doesn't in my eyes

09-20-2008, 08:29 PM
yeah but is it really worth the time and effort to get that under way, over a 50 dollar item no less, doesn't in my eyes

yeah it is imo, this is a way to show FedEx to train its workers properly. And even though it's "just" $50, it isn't something you should pay for nothing at all in return. And like $20 was the shipping charge btw, I believe he had shipping insurance with that. So he can take action, why pass that up?

Let's say you paid $50 for a new game, you go home and wait a week for the game to come in the mail, and it never came, will you just give up and order another copy and pay another $50? If you will, what assures you that you will get the game this time?

same deal here

09-20-2008, 08:49 PM
I don't order stuff online so that situation doesn't work with me, I buy stuff in stores for the very fact to avoid scammers on the internet that can hind behind a computer screen/avoid retarded transports worker like your situation . But let's pretend I do I would give up because I got better **** to do in my life then hassling with lawyers and I'd just go into a store the next, but whatever situation you can think of yours is always going to be different then mine, I'll always have the lawyer fee factors in my case which would erase my thoughts of ever pursuing a lawsuit for less than $ 100 each and every time

09-20-2008, 09:05 PM
I don't order stuff online so that situation doesn't work with me, I buy stuff in stores for the very fact to avoid scammers on the internet that can hind behind a computer screen/avoid retarded transports worker like your situation . But let's pretend I do I would give up because I got better **** to do in my life then hassling with lawyers and I'd just go into a store the next, but whatever situation you can think of yours is always going to be different then mine, I'll always have the lawyer fee factors in my case which would erase my thoughts of ever pursuing a lawsuit for less than $ 100 each and every time

you and i are very different then lol, and like i said my dad has been working in a law firm for years so he has lawyer friends. it won't be very difficult for him or time consuming, he can do it all from work but right now he has to settle things with fedex and the seller. Who thought fedex would be so stupid? I've used them before and never had any problems, I don't use them much because their rates are higher.

And my whole family buys stuff online lol..but we are careful, very careful about who we buy it from and always have plans on what to do in case of trouble.

and also if it's less than $5000 in NYC you can do this in small claims court, you don't need a lawyer there, i think its $5000, at minimum its a $1000

and it's not really about the money, its about getting the service we paid for, not just in this situation, any situation.

09-21-2008, 12:23 PM
I hate FedEx. I prefer UPS.

09-21-2008, 12:28 PM
When I ordered a Paintball gun from a site it shipped in Fedex. It took nearly 3 weeks to get to my house. The gun was in stock and they shipped it pretty quickly from California. I looks where it was at ever 2 days or so and for like 2 weeks it was sitting in Denver. Either fedex messed up or Denver had a really bad snow storm....

09-21-2008, 12:30 PM
When I ordered a Paintball gun from a site it shipped in Fedex. It took nearly 3 weeks to get to my house. The gun was in stock and they shipped it pretty quickly from California. I looks where it was at ever 2 days or so and for like 2 weeks it was sitting in Denver. Either fedex messed up or Denver had a really bad snow storm....

i'd blame fedex if i were u lol...

i order stuff from cali sometimes, with ups it takes like 3-4 days max to get here. Newegg is an example, they use UPS and I've never been disappointed

09-21-2008, 02:00 PM
I don't get how the FedEx guy would mess up an address...and why would the other person sign for it. My dad could sue FedEx and the E.Giovanni character that signed for it could get a huge fine because it is illegal to take someone else's mail and this was a type of mail.

You shouldn't judge this Giovanni character without contacting them. I know that any package that comes to the house I will sign for without looking at who it's for because it's usually gonna be for my mum. You might just wanna contact Giovanni and sort it out.

But if you've already done that and nothing has happened, nevermind what I said. :P

09-21-2008, 02:59 PM
You shouldn't judge this Giovanni character without contacting them. I know that any package that comes to the house I will sign for without looking at who it's for because it's usually gonna be for my mum. You might just wanna contact Giovanni and sort it out.

But if you've already done that and nothing has happened, nevermind what I said. :P

thats the thing, we don't even know WHO that is and fedex hasn't even told us WHERE the guy actually delivered it and to whom.

09-21-2008, 07:41 PM
Wow I will have to make sure than I don't trust my packages to Fedex in the future. That really sucks hope it all gets worked out for your dad