View Full Version : halo 3 vs goldeneye

09-30-2008, 02:24 AM
A bunch of people on my floor have been discussing this. Which is more fun to play with friends in the same room, goldeneye or halo 3?

I have to go with Goldeneye. I think halo is dumb.

09-30-2008, 03:10 AM
I voted for Halo 3 just because I knew you were a fanboy and didn't like it, in retrospect I've never played or intend to ever play either

09-30-2008, 12:17 PM
I voted for Halo 3 just because I knew you were a fanboy and didn't like it, in retrospect I've never played or intend to ever play either


I haven't been on this site in a long time, i forgot about all the bad stuff that was on it.

09-30-2008, 03:34 PM
Halo 3 is by far better. I've went to a couple "Halo 3" parties where we did system link and played 4 on 4. I've also had 3 people come to my house and we played on xbox live. Halo forever.

09-30-2008, 06:15 PM
Halo 3 really is better. I never played much Goldeneye and I don't remember what it was like.

10-02-2008, 12:29 PM
Halo 3 really is better. I never played much Goldeneye and I don't remember what it was like.

*sigh* I guess the only person on my side is dan. He played halo and was like aagh this sucks. and then came and played goldeneye with me.

10-02-2008, 01:53 PM
I'll start off by saying i used to be a big halo fan. When i first got xbox live i was on halo 2 all day everyday for nearly 2 years. I was really excited for Halo 3 but it didnt have the same fresh feel online as Halo 2 did so it left me wanting more and it's lifespan for me was only 2 or 3 short months.

The thing about Goldeneye was it was the first great first person shooter. I cant think of any shooter before it where you and 3 of your friends could sit in the same room and frag the hell out of eachother. It was one of if not the best multiplayer game on the N64.

Here is where Goldeneye fails.. go dig out your 64 dust it off and pop in Goldeneye, now grab a few friends a couple controllers and try playing a game. If you can have fun for more than 10 minutes, congratulations. The controllers are aweful, the controlls are even worse and the boxy blurry graphics will make your eyes water and cross.

The game was great for it's time but if you were to play it now you'd laugh. It's not even like an old mario game where you can go back and play it and it's still fun and if not it's at least a bit nostalgic. It's like when you were a kid and your grandmother gave you a dollar when you went to visit her and that made you feel like you were rich.. now if she gives you a dollar you think she's crazy and wtf are you going to do with a dollar?

So short answer Halo 3 is better.

10-02-2008, 03:08 PM
Ok the thing is.
You are doing Modern vs Classic.
Which should never be put against.
They are both great in their own right and amazing games of their time.

This thread is failure.

But I voted goldeneye because it holds many more memories for me than halo.

10-02-2008, 09:23 PM
Please People!

Halo is way better its a new classic

10-03-2008, 02:54 AM


old classic and new classic, don't put them against each other it's pointless and lame.

10-04-2008, 01:07 PM
I voted for Goldeneye, i had to do it. If i were to look at which i played more, Goldeneye takes the cake. Always have, always will.

10-07-2008, 06:49 PM
Ok the thing is.
You are doing Modern vs Classic.
Which should never be put against.
They are both great in their own right and amazing games of their time.

This thread is failure.

But I voted goldeneye because it holds many more memories for me than halo.

the thing is, me and a bunch of people were playing goldeneye for a good half an hour or more, and we had a BLAST doing so. And then people wanted to play halo, so they went and hooked up the 360, and still more people wanted to play goldeneye. So then we started arguing which was better.

10-10-2008, 12:20 PM
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You cant quote anyone until you have 10 posts =P