View Full Version : Video Game Addiction

09-30-2008, 09:25 AM
Hi all!

I'm currently writing up a report on video game addiction and how it's become a legitimate, serious problem for some.

I was just wondering if you or anyone you know has had any experiences with it? Not the 'I played GTA 4 for 5 hours straight' addiction that many of us suffer from, but proper hardcore addiction to the point where you'd cancel social commitments, not see family etc to carry on playing.

It could be MMORG's, Xbox Live, anything really. Just looking for some genuine experiences.

Any help would be great!


09-30-2008, 07:01 PM
good luck with the report... i say im a video game addict but i say hypetheticly as in I can't litteraly stop gaming. so No im not a SERIOUS game addictive how ever i have no life... lol!

09-30-2008, 08:18 PM
lol 5 hours thats it I played gta on xbox live for the whole night i was talkin to a bunch of ppl the last time i had looked at the clock it was 11:00 pm the next time i looked it was 5 am

10-01-2008, 12:46 AM
I know there are many people who are addicted to MMORPG's such as World of Warcraft and such games. I'd try searching on Youtube or something, usually find some video's there of total game addicts.

10-01-2008, 12:46 PM
Good Luck!

But dude? 5 hours? I do that a day. My record is 28 hours straight playing Halo 3

10-01-2008, 10:16 PM
I do 5 hours a day every day too unless I have homework or college the next day. But I have never stopped eating etc to play games.

My record is 28 hours straight playing Halo 3

Surely you had some breaks in that?

Gears of Halo
10-10-2008, 07:11 PM
Well, i SERIOUSLY consider myself as a game addict. One day, when i purchased Condemned 2 on March 8th, i played it for 9 hours straight and completed it. I don't know what the problem is, maybe it's the attractive Xbox Live service? maybe it's the Gamerscore/Achievements? Or Maybe i'm going insane!
I would really appreciate help from someone..
But, hey, you only have one life..SO ENJOY IT!!!

Outdoor activities
Selling games (only if your crazy)
Sacrificing a chunk of hours (hard, trust me)

10-11-2008, 09:11 AM
Nah, family comes first for me.
I did play Halo 3 and Super Smash Brothers Brawl all night when they both came out.

No, I would never skip a special occasion because I wanna play a game. That's dumb.

10-11-2008, 09:07 PM
I do 5 hours a day every day too unless I have homework or college the next day. But I have never stopped eating etc to play games.

Surely you had some breaks in that?

maybe like a few 5 minuters

10-15-2008, 12:05 AM
i played pokemon ruby for 12 hours straight when i first got it. It was on easter, it went with me in the car, went with me to the dinner table, went with me to the bathroom.

I also skipped class to play video games before. dumb i know but w/e

Cream Suede
10-15-2008, 09:35 AM
I believe i had a real addiction.A genuine experience. Not playing hours strait but just addicted to WoW. For a year and a half i had to contribute at least 3 hours a day to my WoW clan and character. Not because i was totally in love with WoW but I did not want to let my online friends or clan down when they needed me for a raid.
Looking at the new patch that was just released yesterday it hurts me inside very very much. Makes me realize how addicted i truly was. I was freakin in love let me tell you. Although I sold my character and made a good profit i still wish i would have kept it.
I could talk for hours if i wanted to lol.
let me know if you need a life story ;)

10-20-2008, 08:52 PM
Hmm, well when i first cracked my very first online game, the experience was overwhelming, no one told me i was going to be playing for close to twelve hours at a time, i had completly givin my life to it for my whole entire year of grade 9. about half way into grade ten tho i decided to go cold turkey on online gaming altogrther, as it was severly impacting my socail life, i dont come from a "gamer" group of friend so no one even understood what i was doing or why.
i can say i was addicted, easily i cant count how many time i blew off hanging with my freinds to game with my online ones.
i've been 2 hand a half years clean, i game in moderation now, but not online.
even my closest of friends dident know i was gaming until 6am going to school running on sleep, haha i still cant belive now what a messed up situation it waaas.
funny stuuuuuuff........

10-26-2008, 01:38 PM
I once raced an endurance race on gran turismo 4 for 24 beers straight. I have no idea how many hours it was. Needless to say- I lost the race, ran out of beer, then went to bed.

I would not consider myself a video addict, or an alcoholic for that matter, lol. It was just a long, cold Minnesota night.

11-23-2008, 12:43 AM
Well. i play 90-104 hours a week. other hours i work as a computer
technician. It is an addiction but i dont mind being addicted. Games are the best past time and i play them all the time.

Gaming addiction can be hard on you at times. but i only own a 360 and an Intel Core 3000x PC. so i dont go all out with my hard earned money on a
bunch of systems. i buy the ones that include the games i enjoy. and some 360 games go on PC so it works out :).

It has takin away some of my physical ability but not much. It has also decreased my sexual relationships with women because i dont have time for it.

12-07-2008, 08:29 PM
Not sure if this is true but I think I heard that a kid was so busy playing his wii that he never ate and died of hunger. Again, it's highly unlikely but that's what I heard.

12-12-2008, 10:53 PM
my friend that lives across the hall from where i used to dorm said his friend played GTA for 12 hours straight one time and just wanted to go around shooting people and stealing cars. does that count?

12-12-2008, 11:00 PM
I am a WoW Addict ... and ... I hate it !

12-13-2008, 06:21 AM
my friend that lives across the hall from where i used to dorm said his friend played GTA for 12 hours straight one time and just wanted to go around shooting people and stealing cars. does that count?

I did that with San Andreas after I beat it, I was up to like 1000 hours, another thing I loved to do was to drive around, I can't remember the exact ft but it was like 30 million or something, so disheartening that 4 was city like

12-13-2008, 09:50 AM
I did that with San Andreas after I beat it, I was up to like 1000 hours, another thing I loved to do was to drive around, I can't remember the exact ft but it was like 30 million or something, so disheartening that 4 was city like

oh haha i hate driving around in that game. I like buying stuff and shooting people.

but the only other video game addiction i think i ever had was diablo 2. i'd get home from school, play it until dinner time, eat dinner, play it til about midnight, then sleep, wake up, go to school, and talk to my friends about what we did the night before on diablo 2.

01-11-2009, 04:47 PM
I've never been addicted and i dont want to be, after reading some of the other replies. :)

01-11-2009, 05:23 PM
I've never been addicted and i dont want to be, after reading some of the other replies. :)

I don't think anyone ever wants to be addicted to anything, lol.

01-11-2009, 05:36 PM
I don't think anyone ever wants to be addicted to anything, lol.

I wanna be addicted to reading but that's not gonna happen...I'm told I don't read enough books but the words just bore me. especially when the professor makes us read, i have friends who would read novels for leisure...I can't do that lol

I guess those guys find book reading addiction the same as some of my old video game addiction...

also, I am currently not addicted to any games, I've been too preoccupied with business stuff lol

01-18-2009, 12:54 AM
lol, good luck on the report.....

01-23-2009, 04:07 PM
I once played Fatal Frame for like 20 hours non stop until i beat it (i was having a hard time figuring it out) and i stated seing crazy stuff around my house.

01-26-2009, 11:09 AM
Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-26-2009, 12:02 PM
Video Game a Addiction na it's a must have it help make the days go by when you out of school & have nothing better 2 do lol

02-12-2009, 04:08 AM
Me threeee! :D

02-26-2009, 10:02 AM
Well, comes to what you mean by addiction.

I would say my "addiction" was worst when i was in highschool i think.

It effected abit of my studies, but reasons why i was addicted was because of all my mates were playing aswell.

If you have a group of friends all playing the same game, either being a RTS, MMO or whatever, it will make it hard to stop.

Even if you think you aint addicted - for example wow. If you play with a group of friends, you want to level up with them, stay with them and so forth. So if one or two of your mates are addicted and continue to level you will be eager and continue playing to get upto their level so you can continue to play with them.

Happened to me until i quit. We all are playing DOW2 now and for example with ranked games, we will only play ranked games when we all are on so we are around the same level.

I think it has to do with competitively within the group of friends aswell. You all compete with eachother to be better and "brag" and or joke around with who might be better.

All in all its for fun, and if you don't let gaming addiction effect your personal life, either family, friends, and work you should be ok. Just have to be careful though to what you do.

I usually monitor myself to what i play, and for how long. MMOs are a big nono for now especially during collage studies now. So i usually stick to normal games such as DOW2, COD4 etc, somewhere where i dont get "left behind" in a sense.

Cream Suede
02-27-2009, 12:12 PM
I once raced an endurance race on gran turismo 4 for 24 beers straight. I have no idea how many hours it was. Needless to say- I lost the race, ran out of beer, then went to bed.

I would not consider myself a video addict, or an alcoholic for that matter, lol. It was just a long, cold Minnesota night.

Grand Turismo endurance race! ahaha thats an amazing story. Jokes :laugh:.I
remember those from ps1

03-09-2009, 02:43 AM
i'm addicted to a game when i want to finish it so much that i barely have time to rest. i just want to plat the game and don't want to do anything else

03-09-2009, 08:52 AM
Hi all!

I'm currently writing up a report on video game addiction and how it's become a legitimate, serious problem for some.

I was just wondering if you or anyone you know has had any experiences with it? Not the 'I played GTA 4 for 5 hours straight' addiction that many of us suffer from, but proper hardcore addiction to the point where you'd cancel social commitments, not see family etc to carry on playing.

It could be MMORG's, Xbox Live, anything really. Just looking for some genuine experiences.

Any help would be great!


lol 5 hours thats it I played gta on xbox live for the whole night i was talkin to a bunch of ppl the last time i had looked at the clock it was 11:00 pm the next time i looked it was 5 am

HAhahhahaha... Oh the ... "brilliance" of the denizens.

Social Interaction?
Social Disruption?
... Social Denial?

I fit the bill. I've told my parents that I can't come over for dinner - lied to them, to sit in my apartment, alone - in the dark and pound out hour after hour of Left 4 Dead, Guild Wars (now), and CounterStrike Source.

I've had girlfriends dump me because I 'didn't spend enough time with them' - or merely it was because I BOUGHT them copies of the game I was playing and invited them on numerous accounts to even TRY to play with me, but in the end, they couldn't even attempt - so they weren't worth the time away from my ... precious, precious games...

Logged over 150 hours in FF7 alone.
Logged over 3000 hours in CS:S.
Logged over 1000 hours in L4D.
Probably logged over 1000 hours total of Console RPG's. Easily.

During the summer of 2002, I didn't have a job or anything to hold my attention, no girlfriend to pester me, and not many friends to bother with that liked what I did.

I went out to the game shop at 9am and bought Suikoden III and then went directly home. Made a snack, grabbed a few water bottles and crashed out in my room.
I played from about 10 am, with potty breaks included, until about noon the following day. Not sleeping. Eating whenever I felt hungry (that hungry like you feel like if you don't eat, you'll throw up what's not in your stomach? Lol, yeah - that).

So if you have control questions you wanna ask, fire away... rofl.

03-11-2009, 08:28 PM
psh, i lost a gf over games... played games rather than spend time with her... then again, i learned my lesson... ^_^

03-14-2009, 11:14 PM
psh, i lost a gf over games... played games rather than spend time with her... then again, i learned my lesson... ^_^

my friend had the exact same situation lol

04-04-2009, 03:35 AM
I'll be Honest, I sort of am a game addict. I spend almost my entire day on video games. Anyway, good luck with that report!

04-04-2009, 10:15 AM
With the release of the original Viva Pinata, I manage to clock up just under 700 hours gameplay within the first month... That was a hellish month and I've never done it since..

04-04-2009, 05:25 PM
:) i remember when i was younger, i used to get these little blisters on my thumbs from playing too much ps2. :) i didn't play that much, i just think i had fragile hands.

04-09-2009, 04:50 PM
Gaming: A practical solution to life.