View Full Version : Site Layouts

11-28-2008, 03:47 PM
I made some site layouts, which I am going to code using Dreamweaver so they can be used. But for now, this is what I have. I made them in Photoshop using basic effects, so they weren't that hard. When I get a site, I plan on perfecting the grunge one and using it.

1- This one is for my mom. Her boss needed a site layout, and when I finish coding it, they can use it.

2- This one I just kinda made. Once I code it, it could be used for almost any personal site. The colors could be changed easy for anyone that wanted a different color scheme.

3- This is my grunge one, and the one I am most proud of. There is no text yet, not even for the navigation part of it, which would be the arrows, but I plan on putting some text in soon. The big box is the main one, the one of the left...I'm not really sure. Lol.

11-28-2008, 04:21 PM
i like the second one most, the first one is professional which is good - the background on the third one is good but need to see what the text will look like in the spaces before i make a decision lol, looks like a good site for a rock & roll band :D

11-29-2008, 01:39 PM
Nice work on all of them... I like what you're doing with the grunge one the most. :)

12-02-2008, 12:32 PM
I like them all, my favourite was the 3rd one (: lots of gradient (: looking good though, well done (: