View Full Version : L4d

11-30-2008, 06:48 PM
Anyone played Left 4 Dead yet? I want to get it but I need to get a new PC first. :no: Once that is done I can play the game ;-)

11-30-2008, 06:56 PM
i might get the game, have friends that want me to get it lol and i haven't played anything new in months so might as well give it a try later, but definitely have to wait until my finals are done - then I'll decide on whether i should get the game or not

11-30-2008, 07:54 PM
You didn't get WoW so you need to get L4D. Then we need to build me a new PC kk ?

11-30-2008, 08:07 PM
You didn't get WoW so you need to get L4D. Then we need to build me a new PC kk ?

i didnt get WoW cuz its a P2P game, dont know why but I'm not really a fan of paying monthly to play a game..its a luxury not a necessity lol

L4D is different so it has a higher chance of being purchased by LiNuX than WoW

and yeah...new pc :)

12-01-2008, 02:59 PM
I new to get a 360 first but I'll defiantly get it when I get a 360

Cream Suede
12-04-2008, 09:52 AM
I have played the game. Online with 3 other close friends and it is just a blast.
Your honestly holding your controller up in the air the hole time above your head from jumping with excitment around everycorner.
Other than that there is the slight potential of becoming repetative.
they should have created more unique zombies.
it is constant zombie killing and if you don;t work as a team it is over before you know it.
the beatdown attack helps more than anything as you will find zombies up in your face quite often

12-09-2008, 01:01 PM
Sounds cool all I need is a new PC and the game and I am all set! Oh and a few friends ... *ahem*

12-17-2008, 09:12 PM
Sounds cool all I need is a new PC and the game and I am all set! Oh and a few friends ... *ahem*

I'll get it and play with you if I Have the time and money for it lol..and I'm sure you'll make some friends in game

01-09-2009, 09:23 PM
So Mr.Linux share your views on L4D !!!

01-09-2009, 09:31 PM
uh..so yeah, got a few minutes of play and its a great game, good graphics and game play is awesome lol

will get the game for myself in the future :)

01-09-2009, 09:50 PM
OMG me too !!! lol anyways next week is a rush week!

02-13-2009, 05:37 PM
I have the whole game now..but haven't been able to play in over 2 weeks because of the whole GPU issue, hopefully I can play again next week :D

02-13-2009, 05:39 PM
I've been playing this game like crazy, lol.
Meh favorite game!
I have it on PC and on 360, can't play on 360 until we get our projector back D:

02-13-2009, 05:48 PM
I've been playing this game like crazy, lol.
Meh favorite game!
I have it on PC and on 360, can't play on 360 until we get our projector back D:

nice, we should play together when I have my new GPU :D Always fun to play with people you know

I bought blackleo the game earlier since steam has a 50% off special on it lol - we all play together

but his pc is bad...so he may not be able to play properly or play at all until he gets a new one, and i have my gpu thing still. meh..

02-13-2009, 05:49 PM
Woot I got L4D Linux bought it for me for V-Day !!! Isn't he such a sweetheart !!! <3 Thanks nux =P

02-13-2009, 05:57 PM
Woot I got L4D Linux bought it for me for the V-Day sale with steam and Cuz I asked him to !!! Isn't he such a sweetheart !!! <3 Thanks nux =P

there, fixed for accuracy lol.

02-13-2009, 06:02 PM
At 50% Off !!! If you want to get accurate. So I got it for $25 and he bought his for $40 + at Circuit City !!! =D <3

02-15-2009, 03:14 PM
dude play xbox360 style. way better.

02-15-2009, 03:33 PM
dude play xbox360 style. way better.

I'm not as good playing FPS games on consoles...the only game I was decent at was SOCOM II and I haven't played that in years lol.

02-16-2009, 01:54 PM
dude play xbox360 style. way better.

I have it on PC and 360, lol.
It's Left 4 Dead, so I love it the same. I like Shooters on both console and PC, doesn't matter to me.

02-18-2009, 03:05 AM
Wow, umm left 4 dead is really amazing!

They did so well on making that game,I have already beat all campaigns on expert.

but this game gets boring REALLYquick!

But,That is were Xbox live comes in! I never EVER get bored of it I think its amazing how you just team up with other friends and kill zombies together.

its one great game and even better if you have Xbox live:-)

02-21-2009, 10:12 PM
Wow, umm left 4 dead is really amazing!

They did so well on making that game,I have already beat all campaigns on expert.

but this game gets boring REALLYquick!

But,That is were Xbox live comes in! I never EVER get bored of it I think its amazing how you just team up with other friends and kill zombies together.

its one great game and even better if you have Xbox live:-)

I've never played l4d by myself lol, It was either with a friend or someone that I knew from somewhere else. I play on the PC by the way so steam saves me with the multiplayer.

I can see it get boring if you play by yourself all the time. I believe the makers are working on other campaigns, not enough to keep people interested forever.

Still a great game, played it for the second time for myself today lol...after about 3 weeks.

02-21-2009, 10:23 PM
I've never played l4d by myself lol, It was either with a friend or someone that I knew from somewhere else. I play on the PC by the way so steam saves me with the multiplayer.

I can see it get boring if you play by yourself all the time. I believe the makers are working on other campaigns, not enough to keep people interested forever.

Still a great game, played it for the second time for myself today lol...after about 3 weeks.

Well, I know that Valve is making a DLC (For Free on PC, 360 not sure yet) with Survival Mode (New Gameplay thingy), Bringing Dead Air and Death Toll to Versus, and (This is what I have heard from others, not too sur though) making new Campaigns.

On my Number 1 Resource page for L4D, Left4Dead411.com, I just read this. Turned out the Campaigns thing was false.

Due for release this spring, the DLC for 2008's best-selling new game property on the PC and Xbox 360, is dubbed the L4D Survival Pack and introduces a new multiplayer game mode entitled, Survival, plus two complete campaigns for Versus Mode (Death Toll, Dead Air). A Critic's Choice Edition of the game will be heading to retail stores this spring, and will include access to all the content introduced in the L4D: Survival Pack.

And yea, Free of Charge for PC and 360. Valve is making great decisions to make people play it, if they would charge for this, they would lose some players.

EDIT (again):

In addition, for PC gamers and aspiring developers, the first Left 4 Dead release for the Source Software Development Kit (Source SDK) will allow the creation of custom Left 4 Dead campaigns that will be discoverable via L4D's matchmaking system. The SDK update is also due for release this spring, and is free of charge to all owners of L4D on the PC.

02-21-2009, 11:30 PM
dam...would definitely like more campaigns..

I didn't even play all of them, just the apartments and the death toll one lol

02-21-2009, 11:37 PM
They will be coming out with a editors edition or something like that to make custom maps and what not. So looking forward to that... as soon as I don't look forward anymore on getting my new PC =/

02-24-2009, 08:32 AM
i bought l4d and play it often but people on there are normally mean to me.
it could be that i am a girl or that they are just mean.

02-24-2009, 08:57 AM
Well that's why it's better to play with 3 other people you know that way it gets to be more fun! ner >.< Linux plays you can play with him and I am sure others play too. I will play once I get my new pc =/

02-24-2009, 09:01 AM
that would be great i'm sick of people being jerks!

02-24-2009, 09:02 AM
I know what you mean, some guy killed all 3 of us. Then asked us where did we go to ?! And he was just camping the safe house.... so freaking annoying!

02-24-2009, 09:07 AM
ha ha yeah i was underneath a car thanks to a fiery tank and needed help my whole team left me there to die. so as i was sitting there a boomer puked on me and then came the horde. talk about good teamwork. :[

02-24-2009, 11:15 AM
Yea just play with friends and/or people you know or a server with actually good players. You know in the 1st 2 mins if the people are worth playing with.

02-24-2009, 03:02 PM
Oh, I hate playing with people who don't play seriously.
360 has a huge problem with that, no one plays seriously, so it is VERY hard to find a good team.
PC is a lot easier, but there always is that 1 person who messes around.

I got L4D on PC and 360, let me know if ya wanna play some time.

02-24-2009, 03:06 PM
my steam name is britni
so just add me or something and we can get a serious team.

02-24-2009, 06:02 PM
yeah we have quite a few players from here, shreadofwheat, samus-fan, me! and a few others lol, thats from the top of my head

feel free to add me on steam - njoker5552 - I usually play during the weekends

And blackleo will get into play...LATER,right? lol

edit: i just noticed that there was a 4th page to this thread....so my post ignores the last 3 posts lol.

yeah a serious zombie whopping team.

02-24-2009, 11:26 PM
wow thats awesome i will add you and we can play!!!

02-25-2009, 09:50 PM
Grabbin' Peelzzz.

02-25-2009, 10:41 PM
Grabbin' Peelzzz.

lol I always forget I have the pills. but it helps in time of need.

02-25-2009, 10:49 PM
Yes they do. xD I'm usually Zoey though.

02-26-2009, 10:48 AM
Yeah hopefully for the summer i'll be able to play >.<

02-26-2009, 11:06 AM

I have L4D also - so if you kids wanna go a few rounds, let's rock 'em!
I love the game. It's fantastic. I'm only missin' a few more achievements.

02-26-2009, 11:30 AM
i dont have it but i played it on the console, and lets just say i stunk :-P very good game though, can see why its so popular

02-26-2009, 01:24 PM
Lol - don't be so hard on yourself. Console controllers are a lot harder to control yourself with than a PC. Not to mention, the game isn't all that easy.

You could be playing on Easy with expert players and STILL get punched clean off the roof in the Last Chapter of No Mercy. Lol. D: Trust me - I've had it happen all too often!

02-26-2009, 05:41 PM
Lol - don't be so hard on yourself. Console controllers are a lot harder to control yourself with than a PC. Not to mention, the game isn't all that easy.

You could be playing on Easy with expert players and STILL get punched clean off the roof in the Last Chapter of No Mercy. Lol. D: Trust me - I've had it happen all too often!

i feel the same way, only for fps and other shooter type games - I prefer a controller for racing and fighting games though. I am much better playing fps on pc. Mouse + keyboard = awesome-er

also, I've never played l4d on easy lol...all advanced and expert - the first time I played was with blackleo on his cousin's account and the servers we were in were all in Advanced more - I might try out easy later and compare lol, but I usually like having the extra challenge in there.

02-26-2009, 06:41 PM
i feel the same way, only for fps and other shooter type games - I prefer a controller for racing and fighting games though. I am much better playing fps on pc. Mouse + keyboard = awesome-er

also, I've never played l4d on easy lol...all advanced and expert - the first time I played was with blackleo on his cousin's account and the servers we were in were all in Advanced more - I might try out easy later and compare lol, but I usually like having the extra challenge in there.

Amen brother!

03-01-2009, 12:04 PM
Left4Dead is the best PC/360 Action-Shooter game I know!

I love it

03-01-2009, 12:14 PM
It's missing a few maps. But i think the developers edition is coming out right ?!

03-01-2009, 12:36 PM
No. But they are in the making of Left4Dead 2. Which should be better. There will be vehicles and helis and stuff. I'm looking forward to it.

03-01-2009, 12:44 PM
WoW really !?!? A L4D 2 ?!?! I thought they were making a developers kit so people would make their own custom maps. That will rock.

03-01-2009, 02:52 PM
If you are looking for a game with a good plot, do not go for Left 4 Dead. If you are looking for a game that is kick-ass and without a plot, go for Left 4 Dead.

03-01-2009, 04:23 PM
Uh, thanks Captain Obvious?

03-01-2009, 05:25 PM
I played it at my cousins house, just played the offline campaign. Didn't get that far in it, was running around in the subway when I quit. I was tired so I just quit playing. It was pretty fun at first, but kind of got a little repetitive after a while. I'm guessing that playing with a group would be way better. Probably would of been more fun too if I wasn't so tired when I played.

03-01-2009, 05:47 PM
Yeah I don't think the game would be any fun by yourself. And yeah, no real storyline to speak of, but I absolutely love the gameplay. It's intense and different enough every time to keep it interesting. The achievements add a nice aspect with goals of some sort, too. Not a game to spend hours and hours on, but I really like playing for an afternoon with a couple of friends.

03-01-2009, 07:02 PM
Yeah I don't think the game would be any fun by yourself. And yeah, no real storyline to speak of, but I absolutely love the gameplay. It's intense and different enough every time to keep it interesting. The achievements add a nice aspect with goals of some sort, too. Not a game to spend hours and hours on, but I really like playing for an afternoon with a couple of friends.

I got the game to play with people, most of the games I play now are online games, I don't find it fun to play alone anymore. When I got the adapter for my ps2 a while back, I switched from playing SOCOM II in story mode to just online mode, haven't played offline since.

Doubt I'll ever play l4d by myself...unless everyone leaves me in the server and I don't notice lol

03-09-2009, 01:21 PM
The bots move around ... looking up and down ... >.<

03-14-2009, 11:25 PM
get L4D! its worth it.
play it online and its even more worth it.
theres a mode where you can be the zombie .. ahh its just awesome lol.

03-14-2009, 11:54 PM
I have L4D for the 360, Its a pretty good game
playing as a zombie is fun, but it would be better if you could play as 1 zombie from the horde while your waiting to re-spawn as a special

03-15-2009, 12:29 AM
they need to update the game with some custom maps

custom maps are already available for offline mode, if steam can set it so that the game updates with the new map when entering a server, that would be so sweet.

03-16-2009, 06:23 PM
they need to update the game with some custom maps

custom maps are already available for offline mode, if steam can set it so that the game updates with the new map when entering a server, that would be so sweet.

Dude thats a really good idea!
There should be new maps like.. monthly?

03-16-2009, 07:28 PM
Dude thats a really good idea!
There should be new maps like.. monthly?

they already have like 5 custom maps made by other people, they just need to make it like cs and update...would be awesome

03-17-2009, 02:34 PM
Steam is being lazy and don't want to update they want to be just like Blizzard !

03-17-2009, 06:43 PM
Steam is being lazy and don't want to update they want to be just like Blizzard !

yeah, we need to get together and write a letter...with a pretty header and everything.

03-17-2009, 09:13 PM
yeah, we need to get together and write a letter...with a pretty header and everything.

Make a forum petition!
Get everyone to type their name on it, and then we can send it to them!

03-17-2009, 09:15 PM
Make a forum petition!
Get everyone to type their name on it, and then we can send it to them!

lol that's cheap, and I doubt we'll have as much impact as you'd think.

lazy steam and valve...

03-17-2009, 09:19 PM
lol that's cheap, and I doubt we'll have as much impact as you'd think.

lazy steam and valve...

Aw, darn it.
I wish they'd atleast do the "Download their map when you play on it" thing. That would be awesome.

03-17-2009, 09:40 PM
Aw, darn it.
I wish they'd atleast do the "Download their map when you play on it" thing. That would be awesome.

yea thats what I was suggesting, they do it for almost every other game, cs, css, half life...

03-18-2009, 06:40 AM
WoW so you can't even download custom maps down to your pc ? Meh that sucks ass !

03-18-2009, 09:09 AM
WoW so you can't even download custom maps down to your pc ? Meh that sucks ass !

you can download them but you can't use it to play online, I'm going to see how I can make it so that our server loads that map and see if I can directly connect to it lol, could be a loophole but won't know until I try it, and I won't have time to try that out for another month or two

03-19-2009, 12:21 PM
Damn around that time Steam would have probably released the maps for online play already.

04-05-2009, 01:16 AM
I´ve played Left 4 Dead and i think it´s the best zombie-game that´s ever made.:yes:
Hopefully Valve will launch extra maps.

04-05-2009, 11:34 AM
Yea I heard that they are maps coming so they better come soon !

04-08-2009, 12:45 PM
yea saw it in store gonna buy it :P

04-08-2009, 12:54 PM
You may be able to get it for cheap on Steam.

04-08-2009, 01:01 PM
don't use steam :p

Choke On Candy
04-21-2009, 09:52 AM
Yea I heard that they are maps coming so they better come soon !
They said its coming out in the spring. The "Survival Pack" includes a new Survival game mode and two new Versus campaigns and they are FREE

04-21-2009, 10:48 AM
Yup I head the same thing as well too but didn't heard it was FREE it would be great though !

Choke On Candy
04-21-2009, 11:31 AM
just was on dashboard they are out !!

04-21-2009, 03:13 PM
Awesome. I wish I had that game sooooooo badly. But now I have to wait even longer with my 360 down.

Choke On Candy
04-21-2009, 04:44 PM
Awesome. I wish I had that game sooooooo badly. But now I have to wait even longer with my 360 down.

Boooo you will survive! They gonna repair it or not?

04-21-2009, 06:33 PM
They said its coming out in the spring. The "Survival Pack" includes a new Survival game mode and two new Versus campaigns and they are FREE

you can play death toll and dead air versus now if an admin starts a vote for it - so right now we have 2 new versus campaigns - I noticed this first just last week when I randomly went into a dead air campaign

they have a bunch of other maps already but none of them are fully complete. wish they'd finish and let us use them.

One of the other maps I played was Hunter City - not complete at all but it looks fun - you can get super high jumps with a hunter there.

edit: the patch came in today, the survival mode

04-21-2009, 08:27 PM
Boooo you will survive! They gonna repair it or not?

No I won't! lol but I don't know when i'm gonna send it in. My Dad said that I have to wait until the end of the week and then he'll think about it.