Conversation Between Jaykub and ShadowMantis

40 Visitor Messages

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  1. -_- grrrrrrrrrrrrr
  2. >.< wtf why everybody I know have a damn ps3 but no Xbox??!!
  3. remember when i said im going back 2 skool, well i found out i cant
  4. Its alright.
  5. sorry 4 the way i acted, i should've believed so sorry
  6. Hey. Whats up.
  7. heyyyy whats up ur back... i'm back
  8. omg dude,was up?!
  9. who's fat? not me
  10. Why do they say ur fat?
    Thats all people think about...looks?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 40
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