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  • 02-11-2012, 05:33 PM
    So, my band finally recorded an original song. You can listen to it here:

    Crazies - Band Profile | Facebook

    "like" the page while you're at it.

    The guitar is hard to hear, everybody else was a lot louder, so that sucks..but we're gonna do it again soon and it'll sound better that time.
  • 02-11-2012, 06:17 PM
    Sounds like Nirvana to me...
  • 02-11-2012, 07:14 PM
    If by that you mean it sounds raw and energetic, then that's the point.

    Also, to whoever gave me that rep (which i'm assuming is the poster above me) I said i'd post our songs here when we got them up...
  • 02-11-2012, 10:30 PM
    I can't see who gives rep so I wouldn't know brah
    Also, by "it sounds like Nirvana" I meant it sounds like s***. Is that what its supposed to sound like?
    In ghost I can't hear anything but the snares of your drummer and a thin bassline. Your singer is awful. Horror Punk? Horrible punk is more like it
  • 02-11-2012, 10:43 PM

    Originally Posted by NerfTrynPlz View Post
    I can't see who gives rep so I wouldn't know brah
    Also, by "it sounds like Nirvana" I meant it sounds like s***. Is that what its supposed to sound like?
    In ghost I can't hear anything but the snares of your drummer and a thin bassline. Your singer is awful. Horror Punk? Horrible punk is more like it

    Good for you, asshole. Are you unable to read? It clearly says we're gonna re-record them because we didn't realize how low the guitars really were.

    And there are plenty of people into that kind of stuff.

    It's not meant for you.

    I don't understand your fixation on Nirvana, either. If you don't like something, wouldn't you just not think about them instead of obsessing over how bad you think they are?
  • 02-11-2012, 10:47 PM
    I can obviously read idiot, that's how I can read on the forum moron. And I didn't take a gander around your facebook I just listened to your music.
  • 02-12-2012, 12:03 AM
    This is a forum, I'll say whatever the hell I want. If you don't like it then leave. There are things called music critics out there and if you can't take criticizm on your music then you are going to go no where. Go ahead and neg rep me for stating an opinion you ********** baby, go cry to someone who gives a s***
  • 02-12-2012, 01:08 AM
    There's criticism and then there's just being rude.
    You're rude.

    I'll neg rep you all I want bub.

    Looking forward to more and seeing you guys improve (:
  • 02-12-2012, 01:53 AM
    Go for it "bub"
    I'm also looking forward to you improving as well, you need it. But I will give you this Epsi, you do sound better than The Doors. Also, I don't care if I come off as rude. Still gonna state my opinions how ever I see fit.
  • 02-12-2012, 09:24 AM
    There are ways to state opinions in ways that are constructive and not mean. If you insist on "stating your opinions however you see fit," there will be consequences.

    Anyway, thanks for posting your music, eps. Not my genre, and you guys need some better recording gear :P But awesome for you that you're in a band and having fun and experimenting.

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