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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Accused Child Molestor Bernaldo Bicoy from VCResearch Released to House Arrest

    WTF! - How do animals like Bernaldo Bicoy - who is a twice convicted child molestor make bail?

    This homosexual community spokesman impersonated himself as a lawyer and Venture Capital - VC Research Expert with a slippery tongue to win trust of kids. Out of all people, the system releases him out on bail!

    It's sad but the streets of Lake Forest are not safe. Who do we petition?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Why is it important that he is homosexual?

    Also, the guys life is already ruined. Sex offenses mean no more privacy, a hard time getting any job, and dirty looks from your neighbors the rest of your life.

    Its kind of sick that people obsess over making those individuals lives hell even after they serve their time, and that its perfectly acceptable to treat them like racists treated blacks in the south. =/

    Im not saying this to defend their actions, but a judge has to be able to determine a sentence based on the severity of the crimes, and we as citizens don't always have all the facts. Its not worth your time to go hating on someone who will have their computer and mail monitored, and their friends questioned, and their face posted on websites so that everyone for a hundred miles will recognize them from the sex offender database.
    Last edited by BobTD; 03-02-2010 at 10:31 PM.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I have no sympathy for child molesters, so I really don't CARE that their privacy is gone.

    How do you think the children feel?
    Do you not think that it will mess them up for most if not all of their life?
    I don't see why they should be treated any better than they are now.
    Repeat offenders should be punished moreso.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    i dont wanna get into this but he shouldnt have any privacy he ruined that for himself and ruined the lives of children also

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Eta Carinae


    Quote Originally Posted by BobTD View Post
    Its kind of sick that people obsess over making those individuals lives hell even after they serve their time, and that its perfectly acceptable to treat them like racists treated blacks in the south. =/
    If you go to prison for child molestation or rape, you're at the bottom of the bunch. Most likely, you'll get abused the hell out in prison by your fellow inmates. And there are laws that force predators to register because the chances of them repeating the offense is greater than any other crime.

    And I don't think you can compare this to racism. Racism generally means the oppressed race hasn't done anything to society to piss it off. But a child molester harmed a child, probably scared him/her for life. I don't see a problem with scarring this sob for life either. So yeah, I don' think you can compare this to racism. Predators vs. regular people.

    But I'm kinda biased. I have no respect for child molesters. They prey on the very weak and in every case, the kid is scarred for life. It's not like the kid has only another 5-10 years to live. He probably have 50-60 years more to live with this memory. And just like lemon, I have no sympathy and don't care for their privacy.
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  6. #6
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    I never argued that they should have their privacy.

    I know what everyone is saying when they say they have no sympathy accused child molesters and rapists, neither do I. But I'm tired of out culture nurturing that hate so that it spreads and ruins lives it shouldent.

    I'm tired of seeing the media scare people about sex offenders. I'm tired of it being a label that is blind to the details of the crime, and most of all I'm tired of the poor job our government is doing in preventing more crimes from happening either from people living in fear or from people who don't see them as doing enough.

    I think that bias is applied to a large range of people. You can get added to the sex registry for to many disproportional crimes. Living in the wrong state and having a girlfriend in high school under the age of 18, even if you are in the same grade. I know people who who have gone to my school and have their lives ruined, one because their girlfriend got angry and got them in trouble a year after they had dated. Because one girl wanted to get even over a grudge he gets to be on the same list as people like Bernaldo Bicoy, and get treated the same.

    So, I guess I dont see how all the extra hate is going to help this country.
    Last edited by BobTD; 03-04-2010 at 01:04 AM.
    "Prediction: Zenimax Online is making an MMO set in the elder scrolls universe" -BobTD 8-25-2010 (search it on the forum)

  7. #7
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    Ah, misunderstood you there a bit then. Well, the media is here to make things seem worse than it already is, no surprise there. Unless it's Fox speaking about Sarah Palin...

    And it's easier for man to hate than to love. It's more profitable. But I get what you're saying now. But I think the registry only exists for sex offenders is because of the level of harm they can do to children. Concerned parents can control who goes into office I think there should be one for murder and maybe robbery but it's also mostly politics.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by LemonRising View Post
    I have no sympathy for child molesters, so I really don't CARE that their privacy is gone.

    How do you think the children feel?
    Do you not think that it will mess them up for most if not all of their life?
    I don't see why they should be treated any better than they are now.
    Repeat offenders should be punished moreso.
    couldn't have said it any better myself.
    I mean seriously
    Children are innocent

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