Tell me baby...what's your story?
Where do you come from and where do you wanna go next time
In this topic, just post how you came to be involved with the board. If your story is "lol i guggled for liek gamerz 4um and dis was da ferst rezult" then try to include more. Older forums you were a part of, why you searched for this forum, etc.
Anyways, here's my ENTIRE forum story.
As some of you may or may not know, I know Ilyich in real life, and we used to hang out back in the day at this summer camp/daycare type thing. Anyways, he was really into yugioh one year, and so I then got into yugioh. The next summer, it was Megaman, and he got me into megaman. So, from Yugioh, I moved on to Magic: The Gathering. I got big into magic, and I often visited the official magic website, and from there I joined the forum to participate in some YMTC (you make the card) type stuff. My first username there was JJofKyle, cuz this one guy i knew that i played magic with (he also went to camp with us, except a few groups ahead. his brother and sister went too, i'm sure you don't remember them though ilyich) called me JJ and his name is Kyle, so JJofKyle. Stupid, but whatever.
I rolled with that for a while, but then I changed to Lenus89 because Lenus was my favorite character from The Legend of Dragoon. After that I went onto use Bass GS for a while. Anyways, I got invited to an RP forum by one of the members there, and it was called The Plane of RPG (or PORPG for short). That lasted the summer between my 8th and 9th grade years. Towards the end of the summer, somebody on that site invited me to another invisionfree forum based on magic the gathering called MTG_Boards which was fun, but was incredibly short lived.
From here, I went on to join a site called Megaman X Front Mission. I don't remember where I found out about this site, but it was on one of those 3 I listed there (actually, now that I think about it, I did join a forum rpg based off of gundam that I found through invisionfree search, and I think I got the url there). It's a forum-based RPG, sort of like PORPG, except based on Megaman X, and it was organized a lot differently. There I met some people, notably Vincent Valentine, Evochron, and Icefish. I still talk to VV and Evo to this day. The board didn't last too long, but whenever a board died we just moved onto another one and that lasted like 2 or 3 more months. They were a lot of fun, the most notable of them being Megaman X Vendetta Mission. There were also some other ones that I don't have immediate access to the links, but they were fun.
Somewhere in here, I got invited to a website called Suteki Studios (which has sadly been taken down) which was just a general purpose board that some people from Ohio made and invited all of their friends to join. Something I found interesting about this board is that there were no set rules or guidelines. Everybody behaved. Anyways, I met some cool people here too (two of which I still talk to this day. One of which joined the IRC for a day or 2 as Desert, and convinced rai to do thunderbolt) and this board did well for a while, but it died.
Suteki studios went under some maintenance for a while, or got temp shut down, or something I don't remember, but they made a sub-board, and the megaman series was currently between boards, so I told everybody to join the sub-board: Aurum_connection (if you look around on this site, you'll find one the single most emo thing i've ever said in my entire life). This board was cool too for a while, and I really enjoyed having both of my forum crowds on the same board (as well as my other IRL friend that's a member here, Tvae. Sadly, he only posts when I link him to a topic and he has something to add)
However, all things come to an end, and so did this. At this point, it was my senior year in high school, and a lot of the usual members (that i met in 9th grade) had real-life responsibilities and couldn't manage any RPG forums anymore, so those stopped. There were some unsuccessful spin-offs, until 2 other members came to me with an idea to create an incredibly in-depth role playing game, (to the point that your account name is your character name and your avatar is a picture of your character) based on a future where war has basically torn the country apart, etc, typical cyberpunk stuff. We had an incredibly in-depth plot outline, and we called it twilight horizon. Unfortunately, the main admin never wanted to do anything and it never went anywhere. Shame, cuz it could have been lots of fun.
At this point, I remember on Suteki Studios people were talking about their gaming rigs, and I had a sweet HDTV and PS3 that I wanted to talk about, so I set out to find a gaming forum.....well, I just tried to make one. So I went to Icefish with that Idea, and he helped me make it, but it would have taken a while to set up, so I just found a site on google to 1. get some ideas from 2. satisfy my gaming forum needs until this site is set up and 3. pimp my site once it was set up. I came up with this site that i'm posting on now, and after a while I decided "ah, forget making my own site, i'm just going to post here a lot" Icefish was pretty mad about this, but he stopped caring.
Anyways, to finish off the story, at the beginning of winter break 08 I tried making a site with Ice and Evochron, but it didn't work. Then again in late 2009, we tried to bring back Twilight Horizon, but once again the main admin didn't seem to care and Ice just said "screw this." One day he signed off aim and never got back on...I miss him, he was cool.
So yea, there's my story. What's yours?
Last edited by EpsilonX; 05-18-2011 at 12:42 AM.
I have probably been on at least 50 forums in the past 7 years, its so crazy if I try to think of them all my mind wants to explode.. anyways here is my story.
2004-2006: Back when I was about 10-11 I was a huge trading card collector and I believe the name of the first forum I ever joined was called Sports card sheriff, where I originally met jakncoke/thedeparted. I was probably on about 20 forums by the time I quit the hobby
2007-2008 - I was bouncing around gaming forums before I made I made my own gaming forum with 2 other guys that was a small community until we sold it to a bigger gaming forum. I forgot the name of the site but we had about 2000 users right before we sold it.
2009-2011 - One day one of my friends I had met on another forum told me about this new great website called Gamers-Forum!! and I believe you all know the rest of this story from there on..
Funny this is no matter where I went I'd always run into jakncoke/thedeparted until we both finally stuck around here for a while.
damn stalking me through the interweb feels bad man
Wow, thats some story. My story is hardly anything at all.
I felt alone in here, my friends only talked about wow so I didnt know anything what they where talking about. I played other sorts of games and even if I wanted to share my experiences I felt that they wouldnt care much about it.
So I started to looking for gaming forums online and found a few. Many of the forums I found was pretty dead. I had almost given up when I saw this one and tried one more time.
I got happy for all the posts in my "new gamer" thread and finally I was amongst others(that not only talk about wow).
Well I came here to spam a ref link but you guys seemed so nice i decided not to.
I was sitting on IRC talking to jakncoke and Jaykub. Jaykub was like "yo come hang out in gamers-forum IRC with me". So I was like, sure, why not? Went on IRC noticed a few people there from the other IRC I was in. Jaykub linked me the url to this forum, and well, here I am!
My story is pretty simple.
I've always wanted to talk to gamers outside the games. I don't really have any gamer friends, since everyone in Denmark are just wannabe party animals who idolize the American Highschool kid(think American Pie), that's how they all are, they wanna be cool and popular world wide so they drive in convertibles and have lightly dressed women sitting ontop of the rear seats etc. etc. It might sound interesting but it's just another facade. Last year it was English, and the year before that it was italian with hand purses etc. Danish teenagers have no cultural identity, it's pretty damned sad.
Either way, I'm not a part of that norm, and as such I always lacked friends. I had 1 friend who was a gamer, but I havn't seen him in years since I moved to the US, so all the gamer friends I have are in the games themselves. I do have a few phone numbers, some of which are 2 dusin years old from when I played MxO.
I got pretty tired of having friends I could relate to exclusively on the games I played(Meaning I had to switch from game to game to keep in touch with my friends, or in WoWs case, server to server, faction to faction). And now that I am not playing WoW until further notice, I REALLY had no friends with the same interests as me. My wife does, I mean I met her on WoW so of course she's a gamer, but her PC was trashed during shipment so she has to steal mine to play singleplayer Minecraft, lol. Still trying to convince her to play multiplayer!
She swears that when we get to Denmark she'll get a new comp so we can play together again, I look forward to it.
Either way, this is about the forum, not my wife and I's gaming relationship!
As I said, I got lonely after leaving WoW, since my wife was too busy with real life and her self employed job etc. So I searched on google for Gamers, and this forum sprang up as first. I thought it couldn't hurt, but I was deffinately skeptical(tried several forums like this and they're all filled with immature adults or 10 year old children who will only want to talk about how awesome Hello Kitty Online is).
I was happy to see that this seemed to be different, so I sticked around and liked it more and more, and I got more and more interested in peoples posts, as they were actually intellectual and weren't just "haw haw u suk @ lif nub g0 plai wt yur momy and leve us prohz 2 teh gayming"
So here I am
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So basically our internet/foruming story? Hmm. Well, I was a pretty popular member on a gaming forum several years ago. When the moderation on that place started to go downhill really fast, I opened my own site and a majority of the active members moved with me. I shut that place down last fall (after making sure the members were cool with it, sent them to another place) and last month I decided I wanted to find a new gaming forum. Initially, I was looking for a PC gaming community, but I couldn't find a place that appealed to me so I dropped "PC" and here I am.
My username is one I've always used in MMOs (I typically play fire mages) and eventually started using for general internet/forum usage.
I've also been a member of a few music and guitar forums.
Sig by TheMangler
@synge: do you have a last fm or sputnikmusic account?
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